A Light Path

Leap into Spring

Leap into Spring

Captain Riley’s Log Note’s

March is a refreshing month filled with renewal and transformation as we cross the point-of-no-return from Winter into Spring. It carries the energy of the number three (3).

According to astrology, the early days of the month are still being affected by Mercury Retrograde. It gives us pause to think about our past, the decisions we have made, and the consequences of our actions. It encompasses all the positive and negative events in our lives.

The advantage of looking back affords us a lens to focus on understanding similar patterns and how we handled it originally, and how we will handle it in the future. We can apply our experience and acquired wisdom to handle situations more effectively this time around.

Leap into Spring. Spring officially begins on March 19th this year. It’s been a hard long winter emotionally. We had ample time to re-asses the past. Now with the breakthrough of Spring, we have the opportunity to launch our new dreams. We can follow our heart song using the joy of the number (3) energy to embark with hope and inspiration to create a new reality.

During a nostalgic moment, I remembered my favorite “Playland at the Beach”

During a nostalgic moment, I remembered my favorite “Playland at the Beach”, a 10,000 acre amusement park located in San Francisco, just 60 miles from my home. I used to come to this place when I was in high school, early 60’s. There were so many fun rides, but two of them made a huge impact on my consciousness.

Leap into Spring

Among the more popular concessions was the “Fun House”, where we were greeted by Laffing Sal, the automated character whose cackle echoed throughout the park. On entry we had to first pass through a mirror maze. Our reflections were enormously distorted. We saw ourselves looking short and tall, fat and small. As we cocked our heads and made faces at our reflections, we squealed with laughter as we pointed at ourselves with carefree abandon. Can you still find humor in your life?

I related the winter of my soul that year to the “Diving Bell”. It was a big metal chamber that took us underwater and then returned us to the surface with a big splash.

As we were lowered into the water, the feeling of confinement and restriction overwhelmed me. The only outside view was through porthole windows equally spaced around the inside of the container. It was amazing to watch the variety of fish swimming past the glass, but the only way to see more was to circle around the windows inside the bell. Each window revealed fascinating sea life, but the view was very limited.

We bobbed up/down until we were guided to land

When our time was up a huge crane pulled us up to the surface. We bobbed up/down until we were guided to land, where we were anchored securely, before the hatchway was opened. I marveled at the discovery of new species and life that I never knew existed. And too think, it was there all the time, just outside my awareness!

Once again on solid ground, I felt an enormous sense of freedom. I could breathe fresh air; I smelled the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and trees. Colorful birds were singing and the aromas of food coming from the concession stands filled my senses. The soft spring breeze blew over my skin and warm sunbeams danced on my face. It was good to be alive! It was Spring and my birthday, March 21st, a lifetime ago.

Then there was a colossal carousel, an elegant 68 horse merry-go-round. Music played as we rode up/down, round and round. Just like life is filled with cycles, we go round and round, up and down.

Leap into Spring

The people and experiences you encounter this month will afford valuable insight into the sheer joy of living. Self-improvement and self-expression will influence your activities all month long. Social contacts open channels to creativity and inspiration. All forms of communication are important now.

Remember, March 19th, is the Spring Equinox, when day and night are almost even. With every sunrise there is new hope. The universe has re-charged you with new vitality and promise. Act on your inspirations and dreams for success. So go for it! Live your life, no matter what age. Reach out and grab the brass ring!

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