Capricorn New Moon 2024
Happy New Year! January 11th begins the year with Capricorn New Moon 2024. Mercury (Planet of communication) Stations Direct on New Years’ Day, at 7:08 pm PST and 10:08 pm EST. Later in month, Uranus (Change and the unexpected) Stations Direct on January 26th. Hence, all the planets in direct motions starting on January 27th – April 7th, for the next 2 months.
As we move into a New Year the energies are shifting and changing. All but one planet from Sun to Pluto are in direct motion. Time to move forward with your wishes, desires and needs. Nothing is holding you back now. Can you sense or feel the push forward? I feel it personally.
Remember, New Moons are a for journaling, making a vision board, light a candle to activate your desires and ask for your wishes and desired goals. Make your New Year resolutions on this New Moon or a day or two after. The energy is behind you to manifest for the year ahead.
Astrology Chart for the Capricorn New Moon
The New Moon for Capricorn is at 20 degrees and 44 minutes. Occurs at 6:57 am EST and 3:57 am PST. Astrology chart below for Camano Island, WA.

Astrology Highlights
- Mercury Stations Direct, (any communications issues clear up now) January 1st
- Moon is Out of Bounds January 8 – 12th. No boundary now.
- Bowl Shaped Chart, Venus is the lead planet (Sun – Pluto)
- Chart ruler is Mars and or Pluto, which are between the two in the 2nd house
- The Sun/Moon are trine (flowing aspect) to Uranus, Change is happening
- Sun/Moon trine Juno – New relationships, renewing relationships
- Sun/Moon wide conjunction to Pluto, things hidden may surface to be addressed
- Sun/Moon square (90 degrees of separation, friction) Chiron,
- Capricorn New Moon, January 11th 6:57 am PST, 9:57 EST
- Pluto enters Aquarius January 20th 4:56 pm PST, 7:56 EST
- Sun conjunct Pluto January 20th, until next year 2025
- Full Moon in Leo, January 25th
- Uranus Stations Direct, January 26th
Flowing aspects of this New Moon are: Sun/Moon trine (flowing, supportive energy) Uranus. Do your new moon ritual, writing, or ? You might be surprised to manifest your wishes and desires in unexpected ways.
Midpoint between Solar Eclipses
January 11th’s New Moon in Capricorn finds us at the midpoint between the last Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 (21 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra) and the next Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 (19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries). Pay attention to the week before and after January 11th. Themes from the last eclipse may be in the news or appearing in your environment.
Some example of those themes are as follows:
- Taking on or starting a new project
- Releasing what no longer is useful or of interest to make time and space
- Finishing up changes and adjustments that you have been working on
Planets entering new signs
- Mars enters Capricorn, January 4th
- Mercury enters Capricorn, January 13th
- Pluto enters Aquarius, January 20th 4:56 pm PST, 7:56 EST
- Sun enters Aquarius, January 20th 9:07 am
- Venus enters Capricorn, January 23rd
Sabian Symbols: Capricorn New Moon
Capricorn New Moon 2024. New Moons have the Sun and Moon conjunct (same degree) at 20 degrees, 44 minutes of Capricorn.
Sabian Symbols are symbolic messages, channeled by Elsie Wheeler in 1925 with the assistance of Astrologer Marc Edmond Jones.
- First, the degree before the New Moon, leading up to or before. CAPRICORN 20°: A HIDDEN CHOIR IS SINGING DURING A RELIGIOUS SERVICE.
- KEYNOTE: The fulfillment of the individual’s creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity.
- Secondly, Degree of the New Moon, the now! CAPRICORN 21°: A RELAY RACE.
- KEYNOTE: The value of competition in developing group-consciousness.
- KEYNOTE: The realization that one may grow through defeat as well as, and perhaps more than, through success.
In conclusion: This Capricorn New Moon tells me that singing or listening to music will assist in our creative function. The astrological influence and energy is about shifting gears and moving forward. Accept, learn and grow from past experiences of our own and what we observation in our lives.
Sabian Symbols from Dane Rydhyar An Astrological Mandala, 1973
Numerology for the Year 2024
To begin with the “Year 2024” adds up to the number eight (8). Eight laying on its side resembles the infinity symbol.
The number eight “8” represents:
- Power (holding power over others, empower oneself, works both ways)
- Abundance
- Balance of Material and Spiritual world
- Reward
- Success
- Corresponds to the Planet Saturn and the Eighth Astrological House
January in a 1 month, adding the month number 1 to the year number 8, equals a 9 month. So, this month may be about finishing up a project or releasing something in your life that no longer serves you.
The number nine (9) Month of January represents:
- Ending, Completion, Fulfillment
- Wise, Accomplished
- Releasing, Finishing to Begin again
- Corresponds to the Planet Mars, and the Ninth Astrological House
Elizabeth Liz Muschett is available for consultations, teaching and tutoring, and speaking engagements. Contact her to make an appointment.
Appearances: On the first Sunday of each month, Elizabeth Liz Muschett is a guest panelist on Talk Cosmos Archetypal Symbols on Youtube, KKNW AM radio, also available on most Podcast channels.
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