What is Numerology & Numerology Charting?

Numerology Calculating & Charting
What is Numerology Calculating and Charting, it is a technique that describes your personal vibrations. First of all, we start with your given name (at birth) . Secondly your birth date is used for your personal numbers. It describes how your energies performed in the past, how they operate now, and how they will perform in the future. However, you have free-will; you can change your destiny just by handling situations in a different way. The choice is yours!
Consequently, the Science of Numbers is interlocked with Astrology, Tarot and the I Ching. For example, these esoteric arts were in use in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, and India. Subsequently, Numerology is in ancient books of wisdom. For example, in the Hebrew Kabala. For instance, each technique complements the others, with all being equally true.
Therefore, the “Father of Numerology” as we understand, was Pythagoras, a mathematician and philosopher in Ancient Greece (569 – 470 BC). “He believed the world is built upon the power of numbers”. He considered the patterns of everything in the cosmos and understood the numbers through mystical application. For example, It is a tool for character analysis, divination, and magic.
Greek Philosopher and Mathematician, Pythagoras
That is to say, “All things expressed in numbers correspond to universal vibrations. Everything is numbers and to know numbers is to know thyself. Everything in the Universe is composed of mathematical patters. Numbers are the keys that unlock the secrets of the Universe and nature”.
Western Numerology Calculating and Charting
As a result, Pythagoras laid down the basic tenets of Wester Numerology in the form that we know and use today. Western system operates by; reducing down compound numbers to the nine primary numbers. For instance, each number (1 – 9); has its own particular meaning and symbol. Most importantly, using this methodology; every name and birthdate, reduced to a single number. Your specific number determines your personality and destiny.
Curious to know your personal Numerology, Blueprint of life? Certainly, it’s time for your personal numbers consult.
Numerology Consultation (1 Hour) $180
For example, Numerology Consultations are in person, over the phone or Zoom. A consult includes work sheets’ for your name and birth date, personal one on one interpretation of your numbers and what they mean for you. The numbers for the upcoming year and what is in store for you.
Numerology Report (Computer Generated) $30
Computer Generated Profile Report emailed to you.
Contact Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett
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