The ABC’s of Astrology Charting & Astrology Glyphs

Astrology is a language of it’s own. First of all, learning the Signs, Planets and Houses is key to laying the foundation of anyone’s Astrology learning. So, let’s get you started, Download The ABC’s of Astrology Charting (below), a free downloadable 4 page guide. Secondly, included are the Astrology Glyphs for the Signs and Planets, and descriptions of the Houses. Enjoy your Astrological journey and using the ABC’s of Astrological Charting t set you on your way.
The sky reflects the Planets, Asteroids, Centaurs, and stars to us and we reflect back to them. On a clear night we can often see a number of Planets and Stars. So, Remember at night to look up and enjoy the beautiful painted sky. The picture changes every night and minute by minute. Like the sayings As Above so Below, and so much more.
“As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.”
Hermetic Philosophy
Aspect Key
Astrology Alphabet
Click above image to download
Astrological Charting Consultation
Meanwhile, Contact Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett at, and sign up for personal tutoring, an upcoming class, schedule a consult for personal Astrology Charting, order a Personal Astrology Profile Report.
Additional Resources
In addition, find more information on the Planets, Signs and House with the current Llewellyn Astrological Calendar: The World’s Best Known and Most Trusted Astrology Calendar. Available on Amazon.