Are you ready for Mercury to be retrograde? Mercury Retrograde August 2024 just seventeen hours after the Leo New Moon. Those with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart enjoy Mercury Retrograde. Some of us that don’t have Mercury retrograde in our natal charts learn to work with it. Mercury Stations Retrograde at four degrees and eight minutes of Virgo on August 4th at 9:57 pm PDT and August 5th at 12:57 am EDT. The Shadow phase of Mercury retrograde is: July 17th – September 12th.
Some things to do during Mercury retrograde:
- Finish up or let go of old projects, get to those things you have putting on the back burner
- Do research
- Double check, confirm and re confirm reservations and appointments.
- Allow extra time to get places
- Leave space in you schedule for you, a walk, a nap, or down time
- Be patient, take your time
- Read, re-read, and read again any agreements or contracts
- No Impulse purchases
- Take in all the information that you are receiving and take your time processing it
Mercury Retrograde August 2024

Tidbits about Mercury
- Mercury Stations Retrograde August 4 – 27
- Mercury travels between the worlds – underworld, our world, and the upper world
- Stations Retrograde 3 – 4 times a year
- Shadow Phase: July 17 – September 12
- Mercury is a Personal Planet
- Mercury is all forms of communication, siblings, neighbors, neighborhood or community, & short trips
- Communication, Neighborhood, Siblings, Short distance travel, Commerce, Quick thinking, The Mind & Intellect
What is Mercury Retrograde all about?
- Re-work, Re-do, Re-think, Re-consider, Juggling
- Likely communication with people from your past, or haven’t kept in contact with
- Re-evaluate Commitments, re-confirm appointments
- Research, Finding the missing pieces
- Re-evaluate Goals (long & short term) & make adjustments
Sabian Symbol
In 1925, Spiritualist Medium Elsie Wheeler channeled the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of Marc Edmund Jones (Astrologer, Occultist, Script Writer, Writer, & Actor).
Mr. Jones believed Elsie Wheeler had tapped into the “Ancient Mind Matrix.”
They are symbolic images (phrase) for each degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol – Mercury Retrograde August 2024
KEYNOTE: The opening of new levels of consciousness.
In the first of this sequence of five symbols we saw the individual seeking to bring out of everyday contacts a consciousness of significant form and meaning. Now, as the sequence ends, a further stage of realization is shown in its initial and relatively primitive character. The consciousness is gradually reaching beyond physical characteristics and becoming aware of energy processes, i.e. of the dynamism of forces which externalize themselves as life forms.This is the last stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process of consciousness. The mind in its objectivizing and analytical character always tends to give “name and form” (nama and rupa in Sanskrit) to that which it contacts as energy process. It “images forth” energy or feeling, relating it to more or less familiar sense experience. We call this IMAGINATION.
New Moon in Leo
So, the New Moon is on the same day as Mercury stationing Retrograde. I feel it is important to look at the Leo New Moon that happens 17 hours prior to Mercury stationing Retrograde. I am calling this the “Leo New Moon lead into Mercury Retrograde.”

Earth & Water Grand Trine for Leo New Moon

- Water Grand Trine: ASC/POF (Ascendant & Part of Fortune) – Pallas Athena – MC (Mid Heaven) /Neptune. An opportunity to open up your intuitive channels or receive messages through dreams or meditation. Make a plan of writing down your dreams, dedicating time to meditate.
- Earth Grand Trine: Juno – Pluto – Uranus. This will help ground us all. Juno is about relationships, Pluto about power, and Uranus is all about change. So I suspect relationship dynamics will have some change coming. Shifting the power dynamic perhaps.
Mini Grand Trines & Sextiles – Leo New Moon

This flowing energy between all these points in air and fire signs. They are all supporting each other. Communication flows now. If you are writing or making a plan to teach, use this energy and make progress with research or an outline. Look for the open doors now.
- North Node/Aries sextile Mars /Gemini sextile Sun/Moon/Leo sextile South Node/Libra sextile Vertex/ Sagittarius
- Sun/Moon Trine Vertex (VX)
- Sun/Moon Trine North Node
- Mars Trine South Node
Mercury Retrograde August 2024
- Mercury Stations Retrograde on August 4th, at 9:57 pm PDT
- Mercury Stations Direct on August 28th, at 2:13 pm PDT
- Aspects of the Mercury Retrograde August 2024:
- Finger of God, Finger of Fate or Yod
- T-Square
- Earth Grand Trine – Kite
Mercury Retrograde August 2024 Finger of God

Pluto and Neptune are working together and focusing their energy on Venus. Use the transformational energy to manifest your dreams and desires. This may take a bit of work and focus. Be practical about it.
- Pluto in Aquarius sextile 60°Neptune in Pisces
- Venus in Virgo Quincunx 150° Pluto & Neptune
Cardinal T-Square – Mercury Retrograde August 2024

Ceres and Pholus are in the Bending’s of the Nodes of the Moon. Integration of any grief and lack of nurturing can be transformed. Nurture yourself or go to grief counseling and move forward.
- North Node opposite 180° South Node
- Nodes square 90° Ceres/Pholus in Capricorn
Mercury Stations Direct

- August 28, 2024 2:14 pm PDT & 5:14 pm EDT
- Mercury SD 21° Leo 24’
- Remember: The Mercury Shadow lasts until September 12th
Cardinal Cross – Mercury Stations Direct

As Mercury Stations Direct there is a Cardinal cross aspect appearing. Your emotions may need some nurturing, possible that past issues arise that need attention. Ceres and Pholus ask for nurturing and transformation. At the same time you feel the pull to move forward in your life. Which one to address first? It doesn’t matter, just pick one and work on that. I believe being calm and doing the best you can and the rest will fall into place.
- Moon – Cancer square 90°
- South Node – Libra square 90°
- Pholus/Ceres in Capricorn square 90°
- North Node in Aries
Thor’s Hammer

Things may be tense with this Thor’s hammer. Clear up any miss communication. Get back on track.
- Pholus/Ceres in Capricorn square 90° North Node in Aries
- Mercury in Leo Sesquiquadrate 135° North Node & Pholus/Ceres

This T-square is primarily made up of the elements of Fire and Earth. Stay grounded in the chaos. Address changes in health and your body. Finding the information to make informed choices and a plan to move forward.
- Uranus opposite 180° Pallas Athena in Scorpio & ASC in Sagittarius
- Mercury in Leo & Vesta in Virgo square 90° Uranus & Pallas/ASC
Grand Trine Kite

This is an Earth Grand Trine, with Pluto out of sign and in orb. Pluto – Transformation, Uranus – Change, and Juno relationships. Transformational change in relationships. With the Kite point of Neptune, be realistic about the changes you desire and do the work to make them a reality.
- Venus in Virgo trine 120° Pluto in Aquarius trine 120° Uranus in Taurus
- Neptune in Pisces sextile 60° Pluto in Aquarius & Uranus in Taurus
Mystic Rectangle

Mystical Rectangles can bring a gift. Your desires and dreams can bring the change you have been desiring through a good plan.
- Uranus trine 120° Venus in Virgo sextile 60° Pallas Athena in Scorpio / ASC in Sagittarius trine 120° Neptune in Pisces sextile 60° Venus in Virgo
- Two sets of Planets that are opposite each other and connect with trines and sextiles to each other
Mini Grand Trine

This Mini Grand trine wants us to communicate what our wound or wounds are, write, speak, and share them. Our would could have been about being treated unfairly since Eris is conjunct Chiron. How can we bring more equality into our lives?
- Mercury in Leo trine 120° Chiron & Eris in Aries sextile 60° Mars in Gemini sextile 60° Mercury in Leo
The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Schedule an Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart for the time the question is asked for the answer.
See Liz’s YouTube Channel
Please like, subscribe, and leave a comment on my YouTube channel.
Enjoy the upcoming episodes:
Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett work together on the following podcast:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview”
- “Full Moon Forecast”
- “Chiron & Asteroids: Chiron Retrograde
The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea: various podcasts listed below.
- Dwarf Planet Ceres and The Moon, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mars/Jupiter square Saturn, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Virgo Decans with Astrology & Tarot, with Joy Vernon and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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