Entering the eighth month of the year. Moving into August, mid summer, time is moving so quickly these days! Feels like summer just began. Now to Bring you the Astrology Forecast August 2024. The Sun is in the sign of Leo, which is about heart energy, creativity, fun and joy. Enjoy the peak of summer here in the northern hemisphere. We are at the midpoint or half way through the summer season. I’m enjoying the beautiful pink climbing roses. They great me each morning at the corner of my deck overlooking the lake.
The Leo New Moon is on August 4th and Mercury will Stations Retrograde later on the same day. Mercury will be in retrograde motion until August 28th. Don’t panic! Keep your schedule light and add in a massage or pedicure. Expect meetings and appointments to be rescheduled or to start late. Check, confirm and re check reservations, appointments, and plans. Allow extra time for travel, to work, shopping, short trips and long trips. Be patient and finish up some projects you have been meaning to get to or let them go completely.
Astrology Forecast August 2024 – Leo Energy

August 1, 2024

- Moon 02° Cancer 00’ (purple) Nurturing, Motherly, Emotions. The Moon’s influence over the Month of August, here on the west coast of the United States is the sign Cancer. A time of nurturing yourself and others. Are your needs being met? Is it time to visit your mother? or Visit your children or grandkids? Is it time to make adjustments to your diet, exercise routine? A small step forward this month will bring rewards.
- ASC 13° Taurus 46’, ruler Venus 25° Leo19’ (orange). Taurus is a fixed sign. We may not want to change or do certain things now. You may have to think hard and long before making any changes and adjustments now.
- MC 21° Capricorn 19’ ruler Saturn 18° Pisces 34’ (green). Structure and a schedule might be helpful to stay on task.
Out of Bounds – OOB

Out of Bounds planets, are out of the realm or bounds of the Sun. Exceeding a declination (latitude from the equator) of 23° 27′ North or South. When a planet is out of bounds it act differently than when it is in the Bounds of the Sun. Such as no boundaries and sometimes don’t accept limitations, at times it can be challenging. On the other hand it can be boundless creativity, and going beyond your expectations, hopes and dreams. So, in a way it is acting on it’s own, like a child trying to get away with something or explore outside of mothers sight.
- Moon is Out of Bounds: Aug 14 – 18th & 26 – 31. Emotions could run high.
- Ceres will remain out of bounds until Jan 15, 2025. Nurture yourself and your relationships. A good time to make adjustments to your diet or exercise routine.
Planets Ingress (move) into New Signs

Planets Stationing Retrograde or Direct

Aspect Key

“As August arrives, it reminds us to soak up the sunshine and fill our hearts with warmth and joy”
– Oprah Winfrey, from a 2008 Stanford University Commencement speech
Astrology Forecast August 2024, 1 – 4

- 2 – Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (red). A change in what you value or believe in. Possibly a change in your income. Reevaluate how you are spending, saving, or investing you money.
- 4 – Leo New Moon 4:13 am. Open your heart, remember to make a few wishes and desires at or just after the New Moon.
- Mercury Stations Retrograde 04° Virgo 06’ 9:56 pm (brown arrow). Breathe, take a bit of time out or off from your daily routine. Finish up things you have been meaning to get to. Great time to do research.
- Venus in Leo quincunx Neptune in Pisces (green). What to do you want to move forward with? Is it reality or illusion. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Maybe a change in a relationship?
- Venus ingress into Virgo 7:23 pm (green circle). Venus is more practical and analytical. Breathe and don’t nit pick or criticize. A good time to evaluate your values.
Leo New Moon August 4th

Creativity, fun, and joy are front and center with this New Moon. Take and schedule time for you to be creative or have some fun.
Mini Grand Trine – Leo New Moon

- Sun/Moon in Leo are sextile Mars/Jupiter in Gemini. Make your wishes and desires known. The wind is in your sails to manifest now.
- Sun/Moon are trine North Node in Aries. You are headed in the right direction. Stay open to bigger and better than you can imagine.
- North Node in Aries is sextile Mars & Jupiter in Gemini. Mars is giving you the drive to accomplish now. Enjoy the push from the winds. Go where the wind blows you. You can redirect as needed.
Leo New Moon – Sesquiquadrate

- Sesquiquadrate – 135° – Dynamic, slight tension & a bit of a Challenge. Accept the challenge, see what is in store for you in the future.
- Sun/Moon in Leo sesquiquadrate MC & Neptune in Pisces. Moving forward in your career now. It can be a bit challenging. But, the energy will shift soon.
August 5 -12, 2024

- 7 – Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (lite blue). Writing and communication are key now. Healthy communication in relationships are key today.
- Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (purple). Communicate your wishes and desires, they will come back to you. So, ask for what you really want.
- 9 – Sun in Leo quincunx Saturn in Pisces (green). A challenge with structure and freedom to be you. Breathe and move through the challenge. Start expressing your true self.
13 – 17, August, 2024

- 14 – Mercury (purple) in Virgo quincunx Pluto (green) in Aquarius. This aspect with Neptune on the 15th forma Yod or Finger of God. Let out what you have been holding in. You might just have a similar desire that another person or group has and you can assist each other or do it together. Communication is important. You can begin by writing it down and then sharing your wishes with others.
- Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (orange). Energy and luck are with you now.
- Mercury ingress into Leo (purple) backs into. Going back and reworking or adjusting things you where working on last month.
- 15 – Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (dark blue). A good time to work on your own healing or start sharing and teaching what you know with others. A small step towards healing now will become a giant leap forward.
- Mercury (purple) in Leo quincunx Neptune (yellow) in Pisces. Communicate or write down you dreams. You can refer back to your notes at a later date. Your notes may become very helpful down the road.
- Mars (Mars) in Gemini square Saturn (red) Pisces. Use a communication style that is compassionate or don’t speak at all.
August 18 – 19, 2024

- 18 – Mercury (purple) in Leo square Uranus (red) in Taurus. Communicate from your heart center and enjoy the changes that are coming.
- Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo (purple oval). Creativity flows now.
- Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (dark red). Make adjustments as needed to reap rewards. Venus and Jupiter are the two helpful planets. Let them assist you.
- 19 – Venus (dark red) in Virgo opposite Saturn (orange) in Pisces. Are you holding back your or feeling restricted. Work through the restriction as you can. Sometimes boundaries are a good thing. Like having a schedule.
- Jupiter (dark red) in Gemini square Saturn (orange) in Pisces. Similar to the break and the gas pedal. Used separately they work great but together you may be spinning your wheels and not going anywhere fast.
Aquarius Full Moon 2024

Fixed Grand Cross – Aquarius Full Moon

- Fixed Grand Cross, Two sets of oppositions, each of at least four points being 90° from each other. You may have demands or responsibilities in many different directions that all require attention now. Breathe, prioritize, ask for help or delegate some of the work.
- Mercury/Sun/Vesta in Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius. Communication and home verses emotional needs.
- Uranus in Taurus opposite Pallas Athena in Scorpio. Change for the sack of change verses making a plan for the change to happen.
- Mercury/Sun/Vesta in Leo quincunx Neptune in Pisces. How can you integrate the changes you’ve been envisioning.
Mystical Rectangle – Aquarius Full Moon

- Harmonious Aspects
- Mystic Rectangle – comprised of two oppositions 180° that are trine 120° and sextile 60° to each other
- Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (blue). A great opening for healing to occur. Or start teaching and sharing what you have learned from you own wounds.
- Moon in Aquarius trine ASC in Libra (blue). Your physical body and emotional body are in attunement with each other now.
- Sun sextile (lite blue) ASC. Changes and adjustments you make now in your life bring big rewards down the road.
- Moon sextile (lite blue) Chiron. An opportunity to heal emotional wounds on a deeper level. Share and teach others to heal on a deeper emotional level.
Astrology Forecast August 2024, 20th – 23rd

- 21- Sun (purple) in Leo quincunx Neptune in Pisces (green).This forms a Yod with Pluto on the 22nd. It is in orb for several days before and after. Use your power and dreams to inform your future.
- 22 – Sun ingress into Virgo (purple). Now in a practical earth sign. A shift in energy. A bit of a slower pace. You may be able to ground more now.
- Sun (purple) in Virgo quincunx Pluto in Aquarius (lite blue). This is part of the Yod on the 22nd. Read above.
- Venus (red) in Virgo square Mars (orange) in Gemini. A bit of a push and pull. Your desires and how you go about getting them are not in sync. Breathe and come up with an alternate plan.
- 23 – Mercury (blue) in Leo trine Chiron (pink) in Aries. Writing or talking about your wounds bring healing on a deeper level to yourself and others.
- Venus (red) in Virgo quincunx Chiron (pink) in Aries. Analyze your wounds, write about them, or talk to someone you trust. This will bring healing to you and others.
- Mercury (blue) in Leo sextile Mars (orange) in Gemini. Thoughts and ideas flow quickly now. Write things down or record them into a voice recorder for later review.
August 23 – 31, 2024

- 24 – Mars (lite blue) in Gemini sextile Chiron (pink) in Aries. Direct communication can offer a healing window.
- 27 – Venus (blue) in Virgo trine Uranus (orange) in Taurus. Be clear about what you wish for or ask for, you can manifest easily now.
- 28 – Venus (blue) in Virgo opposite Neptune (red) in Pisces. Find the balance between your desires and your dreams.
- 28 – Mercury Stations Direct (purple). Did you finish up or release any projects? Did you find some missing pieces of information you where looking for?
- 29 – Venus ingress into Libra (blue). Venus will be happier in the sign of Libra. Libra is one of the signs that Venus rules.
Watch the Astrology Forecast 2024
Schedule an Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart for the time the question is asked for the answer.
See Liz’s YouTube Channel
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Enjoy the upcoming episodes:
Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett work together on the following podcast:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview”
- “Full Moon Forecast”
- “Chiron & Asteroids: Chiron Retrograde
The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea: various podcasts listed below.
- Dwarf Planet Ceres and The Moon, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mars conjunct Uranus: Fireworks, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Leo Decans with Astrology & Tarot, with Joy Vernon and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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