The Cancer New Moon 2024 falls on July 5th at 3:57 pm PDT and 6:57 pm EDT. This is the first New Moon following Summer Solstice, shifting to the cardinal sign of Cancer, we are now in the Season of Summer (here in the northern hemisphere). The Moon is Out of Bounds from July 3 – 7th, acting and responding on it’s own. Emotions can be charged at this time. Be patient, kind, and breathe deeply.
Here in the Pacific Northwest this New Moon is in the Eighth house, suggesting there can be a release and let go that needs to happen. I am getting ready for my community garage sale. So I am letting go of things and so is my mom. This can also be about beliefs that where imposed on you growing up. Maybe they are no longer valid and it’s time to let them go too. A big purge, allowing space for new doors to open and opportunities to present themselves.
Cancer is about safety, security, mother, child, family, protective, caring, our emotional nature, intuition, sensitive, clingy, defensive, moody, and insecure.
Take time to write down any new wishes or desires you have now. You may have one or more that you have been working on that requires adjustments and reevaluation. We can always make adjustments even to past desires that we are still working on. Release what isn’t working or you no longer need. Of course, be gentle, especially if it is a person. Remember, harm to none.
Remember to nurture yourself as well as others. Plan some self-care over the next couple of months if you can. Even a foot soak, a massage, a short trip, be creative and just do it.
Cancer New Moon 2024

- ASC – Ascendant (purple): 11° Scorpio 24′ – Deep feelings & emotions are possible now. If you have something weighing on your mind. Now may be the time to let it go. Release the charge to the ocean, a stream, or a lake to be transformed and recycled.
- MC – Midheaven (orange): 24° Leo 01′ – Have you been recognized for all the hard work you have put in these past few months? Reward yourself if not. A raise or promotion may be around the corner.
- Sun/Moon (green): 14° Cancer 23′ – Release anything that is in the way of you moving forward. Anger, fear, grief, thank them for the lesson and you are ready to move forward and not longer need them.
What are Sabian Symbols?
In 1925, Clairvoyant-Spiritualist Medium Elsie Wheeler channeled the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of Marc Edmund Jones, a spiritualist and Astrologer.
“Marc Edmund Jones believed that Elsie Wheeler had tapped into what he called the
‘Ancient Mind Matrix’ of the Sabian alchemists of ancient Mesopotamia”.
– Lynda Hill, The Sabian Oracle.
They are a 360 symbolic images, one for each degree of the zodiac. Use of the sabian symbols is a way to tap into the unconscious, ones inner wisdom, and or your higher self.
Sabian Symbol
The three Sabian Symbols together: The Ascendant talks about the collective consciousness is growing and expanding. The Midheaven talks about being independent and self-reliant. Sun and Moon Sabian’s picture is about a partaking of a huge banquet. Materialization of the Spiritual. Also, a growth stage. Putting it all together: we are all growing and expanding while being asked to be independent at the same time.
ASC – Ascendant
- KEYNOTE: Group-consciousness, as it flowers at the highest level in cultural interchanges between representatives of the elite of the ruling class.
- What is evoked is the value of meeting other people at the highest possible level of cultural interplay (i.e. in “full dress”), rather than with an everyday type of consciousness and behavior.
- DISPLAY of power, prestige and wealth. Relationship has been made hierarchical and is institutionalized.
MC – Midheaven
- KEYNOTE: Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.
- The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. At the deeper human level ‘of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
- ” We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE.
- KEYNOTE: The need that exists at an early stage of human growth to materialize the concept of fulfillment.
- A scene of fulfillment – consciously or unconsciously. Hypnotized by the ideal of physical abundance.
- The mind yearns to translate what it has seen in physical terms. This is perhaps the keynote of American life: the MATERIALIZATION OF THE SPIRITUAL.
Out of Bounds Planets
An Out of Bounds Planets is at Declination or Latitude North or South beyond 23° 27′. When a planet is Out of Bounds it is out of the realm of the Sun. So, in a way it is acting on it’s own, like a child trying to get away with something.
- Moon – July 3 – 7th, emotions can run high, maybe you are tired of taking care of other people, time for some self care
- Ceres – April 2, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025, grief and nurturing. Grief rising to the surface to be processed.
- Pallas Athena – May 1 – July 11th, coming to the end of Pallas Athena being OOB. You may find it easier to put plans into action after July 11th. When Pallas was OOB your plans may have had several bumps in the road and needed adjustments.
Cancer New Moon 2024 – Flowing Aspects

Grand Water Trine
Grand Water Trine: three planets each 120° of separation, forming a triangle. The energy flowing from one planet to another, cooperative energy. With Pallas Athena and the Moon are OOB, there is still a flow and communication between Pallas Athena, Saturn, Nessus, Sun, and Moon.
- Pallas Athena in Scorpio (1st House), Pallas is about strategy. Really looking into things before moving forward on a project, is there a secret or something that hasn’t been revealed?
- Saturn & Nessus in Pisces (4th House), Saturn is the structure and rules. Nessus is growth, change, and transformation after a significant challenge. Saturn doing the hard work after a painful experience to transform.
- Sun, Moon, and Venus in Cancer (8th – 9th House), Sun is our identity and how we express ourselves. Moon is our emotions, mother, and caring nature. Venus is about love, beauty, and our bank account. With these three planets in the mix, to me it is asking us to let go of what we don’t want, transform, and make a plan to move forward in life.
Mystical Rectangle
Mystical Rectangle: Made up of two trines (120°), two sextile (60°), and two oppositions (180°) all connecting together forming a rectangle. Combining an of ease and challenging energy together. This combination of tension and harmony can open the door to clear and practical thinking while allowing one to search for meaning in life.
This Mystical Rectangle is tight, all the point are at 19°. Mystical rectangles offer a gift or opportunity. Juno is about Relationships, Pallas Athena is strategy, Mars is action, Saturn is the structure, Nessus is transforming after a challenge. Putting it all together: Relationships are changing and transforming on a deep structural level. Even if we are not conscious of it yet. We are growing and creating new structures from our past experiences. Making new plans as we grow. What a nice energy for a new moon.
- Pallas Athena in Scorpio (1st House, Trine 120°) to Saturn & Nessus in Pisces (4th House).
- Saturn & Nessus in Pisces (4th House, Sextile 60°) to Mars in Taurus (7th House)
- Mars in Taurus (7th House, Trine 120°) to Juno in Virgo (10th House)
- Juno in Virgo (10th House, Sextile 60°) to Pallas Athena in Scorpio (1st House)
Adjustment Aspects – Cancer New Moon 2024

Cardinal Grand Cross
Cardinal Grand Cross: This a loose Grand Cross. I always think of grand crosses, as pulling me in each of the four directions and getting distracted or enticed to go another directions.
North Node is where we are headed, Sun and Moon are our identity and emotions, South Node (our past) and Black Moon Lilith ones deepest hidden desires, Ceres is our grief and our need and or desire of nurturing and how we nurture others. With this Cardinal Grand Cross we are being asked to look at all of this, let go of what you can’t do anything about, release, and move forward with your head held high.
- North Node in Aries (5th house) Square (90°) Sun & moon in Cancer (8th House)
- Sun & moon in Cancer (8th House) Square (90°) South Node & Black Moon Lilith in (11th House)
- South Node & Black Moon Lilith in (11th House) Square (90°) Ceres in Capricorn in (2nd House)
- Ceres in Capricorn in (2nd House) Square (90°) North Node in Aries (5th House)
Talk Cosmos Archetypal Symbols Team
Watch Now! The Archetypal Symbols Team on Talk Cosmos takes a look at Numerology, Tarot, Nakshatras, Sabian, Symbols, Mythology, and the Astrology chart for the Cancer New Moon 2024.
Schedule an Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart for the time the question is asked for the answer.
See Liz’s YouTube Channel
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Enjoy the upcoming episodes:
Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett work together on the following podcast:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview”
- “Full Moon Forecast”
- “Chiron & Asteroids: Chiron Retrograde
The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea: various podcasts listed below.
- Dwarf Planet Ceres and The Moon, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mars conjunct Uranus: Fireworks, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Leo Decans with Astrology & Tarot, with Joy Vernon and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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