Astrology Forecast July 2024 begins the month with Neptune stationing retrograde on Tuesday July 2nd at 3:40 am PDT or 6:40 am EDT. The Cancer New Moon is on July 5th, and the second Capricorn Full Moon is on July 21st, with the Moon conjunct Pluto. Out of Bounds Planets this month are the Moon, Pallas Athena, and Ceres. Chiron stations retrograde on July 26th. Mars conjunct Uranus on July 15th and we may see some fireworks that day.
Looking out at the lake this morning I observed three turtles sunning themselves on the log in front of my house. We are expecting warmer days now that we have entered the month of July. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had more rain and somewhat cooler temperatures. Now, we are expecting higher than normal temperatures over the next week or so. Still getting cool in the evenings.
Cancer is a Cardinal Water Sign. Moon rules the sign of Cancer. The Key words are: ‘I Feel’.
- Emotional, Protective, Intuitive, Sensitive, Kind, Sympathetic, Nurturing, Caring
- Caution: Moody, Clingy, Defensive, Hoarding
Astrology Forecast July 2024
July 1st, 12:00 am PST, Seattle, WA

- Chart Shape – Bowl: Focused energy on one half of the chart. Are you out of balance? Feel like something is missing?
- Chart ruler – Jupiter in Gemini or Neptune in Pisces (light blue): Jupiter is about expansion, growth, and making it bigger.
- Moon – Taurus (green): We may feel more grounded at the moment. Moon will be out of bounds on July 3 – 7th & 17 -21st. When the Moon is out of bounds we may feel slightly off emotionally.
Out of Bounds Planets

July we have Moon and Dwarf Planet and Asteroid Goddess Ceres, and Asteroid Goddess Pallas Athena Out of Bounds.
- Moon – Nurturing, emotions, mother, child, family
- Ceres – Grief, nurturing, mother daughter relationship
- Pallas Athena – Strategy, wisdom
Planets Changing Signs

Astrology Forecast July 2024 – Podcast
July 1 – 4, 2024

- 2 – Neptune Stations Retrograde 29° Pisces 55’
- – Mercury in Cancer ▲ Neptune in Pisces
- – Mercury ingress to Leo
- – Venus in Cancer ▲Saturn in Pisces
- 3 – Mercury in Leo ☍ Pluto in Aquarius
- Legend: ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°
Astrology Forecast July 2024 – Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon – July 5 – Aspects

- Sun/Moon in Cancer ☍ Ceres in Capricorn, This New Moon in the sign of Cancer is all about nurturing, safety and security, family, mother, children, and emotions. Perhaps a new relationship with your family, or how you nurture yourself and others. Ceres in Capricorn, Ceres is a mother who grieved the loss of her daughter for half the year. Also ruling over crops and the harvesting of grains. An opportunity to rebalance your relationship with your mother, children, or family members.
- Grand Water Trine Sun/Moon & loosely Venus ▲ Saturn in Pisces, ▲ Pallas Athena in Scorpio. Cooperation between Venus, Saturn, and Pallas Athena. The structure and strategy around love and beauty. Taking a look at your investments, reviewing and making updates as needed.
- Legend: ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°
July 6 – 14, 2024

- 8 – Venus/Cancer (purple) * Uranus/Taurus (medium blue), expansion of love & beauty, Enjoying all the beautiful flower blooming now.
- – Mercury/Leo (light blue) * Jupiter/Gemini (light blue), Expanded communication, accomplishing a great deal with an research you are doing at this time, pay attention to those dreams, write them down.
- 10 – Sun/Cancer (dark blue) ▲ Saturn/Pisces (dark blue), work pays off with all the networking you have been doing.
- 11 – Venus/Cancer (purple) ▲Neptune/Pisces (yellow), Neptune is a higher octive of Venus, Think or dream of the beautifying project your are working on. It comes to be magically.
- – Venus ingress to Leo (purple), Venus’s energy shifts to a fire sign now. Hot, passionate love relationship or renewed passion to an existing relationship.
- 12 – Venus/Leo (purple) ☍ Pluto/Aquarius (red), what needs to be exposed, released, or healed? Do the work and enjoy the results.
- Legend: ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°
15 – 20 July, 2024

- 15 – Mercury/Leo (dark blue) ⚻ Saturn/Pisces (green), an adjustment or informing with structure and communication.
- – Sun/Cancer (red) ■ Chiron/Aries (dark blue), What needs to be healed, or is it time to step up and teach something you know and can share?
- – Mars ☌ Uranus & Algol in Taurus This is an interesting combination, Mars is all about action, Uranus is about Change, and Algol a Star is about losing your head. My advice it to pack your patients, stay as calm and centered as possible and remember to breathe deeply. Allow extra time while traveling and be alert. Possibility of road rage. This too shall pass.
- 18 – Sun/Cancer * Uranus/Taurus, Unexpected turn of events in a positive and surprising way.
- – Mercury/Leo ▲ Chiron/Aries, loving caring words can be so healing now.
- 20 – Mars/Taurus * Neptune/Pisces, Time to take action on a dream or artistic project.
- – Mars Ingress to Gemini, Mars shifts to a new sign and the energy changes now to information, communication, and a short trip or two.
- Legend: ☌ conjunct 0°, ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°, ⚻ Quincunx 150°
Capricorn Full Moon # 2, July 21

Changing Aspects: Capricorn Full Moon #2

- Moon ☌ Pluto (red, 8th house): This Moon being conjunct Pluto and out of bounds intensifies the Moon’s energy. Feeling things very deeply. Things may surface that you might have wanted to keep berried. Go with it gently and easily, process.
- Moon/Pluto ☍ Sun: The Sun may shed light on the situation. It may be easier to look at what has been repressed now than what you anticipated.
- Moon/Pluto ⚻ ASC: Releasing and adjusting to make improvements to your body and health. Even small steps will be greatly rewarded.
- Sun ⚻ MC: Adjustment to who and what you do may be in process. A promotions or a new job offer coming.
- Sun and Moon ⚻ the ASC and MC: A mirror so to speak. Releasing and reevaluating inform who you are out in the world and how you are noticed. Possibly you are gaining notoriety at this time.
- Moon/Pluto ⚼Jupiter: A minor aspect that can be irritating or motivating. I feel that by releasing emotions you pushed down, it makes room for new possibilities to manifest.
- Legend: ☌ conjunct 0°, ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°, ⚻ Quincunx 150°, ⚼ Sesqui-quadrate 135°
Capricorn Full Moon #2 – Harmonious Aspects

Harmonious aspects include two mini grand trines and a cradle pattern is shown above. Write down what is coming to you in dreams, meditation, or when doing routine things like taking a shower or mowing your lawn.
- Moon/Pluto ▲Uranus/Mars: The energy of releasing the old is repeated several times with this Full Moon. Manifesting unexpectedly and possibly take time to manifest.
- Sun ▲ Neptune: Again pay attentions to your desires, dreams, wishes, a great time to manifest them now.
- Moon/Pluto * Neptune: Releasing what no longer serves you allows space for your dreams to manifest, this is repeated also.
- Neptune * Uranus/Mars: Dreams and desires you have had for sometime now may manifest unexpectedly.
- Uranus/Mars * Sun: Forward movement for sure.
- Legend: ☌ conjunct 0°, ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°, ⚻ Quincunx 150°, ⚼ Sesqui-quadrate 135°
July 21 – 24, 2024

- 21- Venus/Leo * Jupiter/Gemini: Expanding your style of love communication.
- – Mercury/Leo ■ Uranus/Taurus: Unexpected communication. Hearing from someone you haven’t heard from in years.
- – Sun/Cancer ▲ Neptune/Pisces: Dream big now.
- – Mars/Gemini ▲ Pluto/Aquarius: Finding detailed information that you have been looking for.
- 22 – Sun ingress to Leo: Shifting into a fixed fire energy now. Getting outside for picnics, and family gatherings, enjoy nature.
- – Sun/Leo ☍ Pluto/Aquarius: Sun shinning a light on Pluto to release that which is under the surface. Secrets may come out.
- Legend: ☌ conjunct 0°, ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°, ⚻ Quincunx 150°, ⚼ Sesqui-quadrate 135°
25 – 31 July, 2024

- 25 – Mercury/Leo ⚻ Neptune/Pisces: Pay attention to the clues you get now. Write them down. May come through in a dream or meditations, or listening to the radio or the news. There may be a hidden message that will be useful to you.
- – Mercury ingress to Virgo: One of Mercury’s ruling signs. A time to be more detailed and analytical.
- – Sun/Leo * Mars/Gemini: If you have been lacking energy or drive, ride the wave of energy that is coming to assist you.
- 26 – Chiron Stations Retrograde: The teacher, shaman, wounded healer Asteroid/Centaur is slowing down. An opportunity to think about teaching and sharing your knowledge with others. Working on a deeper layer and level to heal yourself or assist someone to heal.
- – Venus/Leo ⚻ Saturn/Pisces: Saturn (structure and rules) is informing Venus to be and show loving support and caring energy to those who are healing and or teaching.
- – Mercury/Virgo ⚻ Pluto/Aquarius: Pluto (under the surface or hidden) is informing Mercury (who can travel between worlds) to communicate our dreams and visions. Write them down, make a vision boards, sign or write a song. Be creative.
- 30 – Venus/Leo ▲ Chiron/Aries: A new and loving energy around healing and teaching.
- Legend: ☌ conjunct 0°, ▲ – Trine 120°, ☍ – Opposition 180°, * Sextile 60°, ⚻ Quincunx 150°, ⚼ Sesqui-quadrate 135°
Schedule an Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart for the time the question is asked for the answer.
See Liz’s YouTube Channel
Please like, subscribe, and leave a comment on my YouTube channel.
Enjoy the upcoming episodes:
Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett work together on the following podcast:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview”
- “Full Moon Forecast”
- “Chiron & Asteroids: Chiron Retrograde
The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea: various podcasts listed below.
- Dwarf Planet Ceres and The Moon, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mars conjunct Uranus: Fireworks, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- Leo Decans with Astrology & Tarot, with Joy Vernon and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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