The Solstice and the Full Moon in Capricorn, just over a day apart. The energies of these two event feeding into each other speaks strongly to me. The Solstice is the beginning of a new season, all about New beginnings and initiation. The solstice point is opposite the moon like it is in the Full Moon.
Solstice Full Moon 2024

- Moon in Capricorn, a Cardinal Earth Sign, Ruled by Saturn in Pisces, Saturn is about the structure, rules & boundaries (boundaries could be blurred now)
- Sun in Cancer, a Cardinal Water Sign, Ruled by the Moon in Capricorn, Cancer is a nurturing nature
- Full Moon’s are a time to review, let go, release, prepare to move forward
Angels, Sun & Moon

- ASC or Ascendant 25 Scorpio (Purple) Chart Ruler Pluto/Mars, Being aware that there is something underneath or hidden waiting to be revealed.
- MC or Mid Heaven 14° Virgo (Green) Ruler Mercury in Cancer, Communication is key now, and to do it in a kind way.
- Sun 01° Cancer (Blue) Ruler Moon in Capricorn
- Moon 01° Capricorn (Yellow) Ruler Saturn in Pisces
Sabian Symbols – Solstice Full Moon 2024
In 1925, Spiritualist Medium Elsie Wheeler channeled the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of Marc Edmund Jones.
Mr. Jones believed Elsie Wheeler had taped into the “Ancient Mind Matrix”.
They are a symbolic images for each degree of the zodiac.
ASC – Ascendant
- KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.
- Keyword: EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations.
MC – Mid Heaven
- KEYNOTE: The quintessence of deeds well done.
- Keyword: significant CULTURE
- KEYNOTE: The ability to expand one’s consciousness by stabilizing one’s point of view at a higher level.
- One gains ELEVATION in the third dimension of consciousness.
Solstice Full Moon 2024
- KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.
- WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.
The overall message from the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon. Change and adjusting to new situations, allow time to integrate. Through any chaos breathe and stay calm, take it all in and rise above it. Take time for some self care over the next two weeks. Take a break from the everyday demands and enjoy nature.
Out of Bounds – OOB
Declination exceeds 23° 27’ North or South (Latitude)
- Moon – June 20 – 24th
- Mercury – June 13 – 28
- Venus – June 12 – 29
- Vesta – Feb 28 – June 9th
- Ceres – April 2, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025
- Pallas Athena – May 1 – July 11th
When the planets are Out of Bounds they act on their own. The planets are out of the Bounds of the Sun. Sun being like a parent or guardian overseeing and guiding. Somewhat like boundaries, you can go to the tree line but not farther. Well when you get close to the trees, you decide to go beyond the boundary and see what it is like. Exploring what is beyond the boundaries. You may be acting and feeling out of bounds now. Enjoy, but also be safe and use your wisdom.
Lunar Standstill or Lunistice
- Moon reaches the farthest point North or South in the month
- Appears to stay in the sky longer. Moon & Earth tilt at their maximum
- Occurs every 18.6 years, Active June 2024 – December 2025 on Full Moons
- The last Lunar Standstill was October 2015 & next one will occur in 2034
- Last Major Standstill was in 2006 & the next one will be in 2025
- Most extreme around the equinoxes in Sept 2024 & March 2025 (most prominent when the moon is full)
- Increased tides
- Best observation time: Moon rise and Sun sets or Moon set and Sun rise
- Best to Observe when you have a clear view of the horizon, away from city lights, coastal areas
Two T-Squares or a Loose Grand Cross

- Moon in Capricorn Opposite Sun in Cancer square Neptune in Pisces (red)
- South Node in Libra opposite North node in Aries square Mercury in Cancer (dark red)
The Sun and Moon are in the bending’s of the nodes. Interesting that the Moon is also Out of Bounds at this time. Emotions could be a bit more intense now. Be gentle with yourself and others. Look to see if there are things that you may need to release and let go of to move forward in your life. Mercury is also in the bending’s, be kind with communication, almost impossible to take back things we say at this time.
So, interesting that the Moon, Mercury and Venus are Out of Bounds for this Full Moon. Some may be going through big changes now. For me I am helping my mom clean our her storage shed to see what she wants to keep. Interesting how our tastes and desires change over time. So easy to box things up and put in storage and forget they are even there. So many surprises. Oh, I wondered where that went. Why did I keep this?
Grand Trine & Sextile

Grand Trine: Out of Sign Water Trine (Vesta is in a fire sign)
- Vesta in Leo trine Scorpio ASC trine Neptune in Pisces, These points in the chart are working together in Cooperation. How do you feel about your home? Are there things in the storage closet that you are avoiding? Perhaps it’s time to get real and release what you no longer need. Maybe it’s time to start planning a home improvement project.
- Mars in Taurus sextile Mercury in Cancer. It may be time to have a serious conversation. Remember to be gentle.
Schedule an Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart for the time the question is asked for the answer.
See Liz’s YouTube Channel
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Enjoy the following episodes:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview” with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “Full Moon Forecast” each month with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “Chiron & Asteroids: Chiron conjunct Hygeia With Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Muschett
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Dwarf Planet Ceres and the Moon, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Mercury Retrograde, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Leo Decans with Astrology & Tarot, with Joy Vernon and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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