Venus and the Sun come together for a conjunction on June 4th at 8:32 am PDT and 11:32 am EDT. This is called the Venus Star Point (VSP). This begins a new cycle or phase. There is a Venus Sun conjunction about every 9 months. This is an opportunity to get in touch with your feminine side in a powerful way.
What is the Venus Star Point?
The exact zodiacal degree & minute of a Sun and Venus conjunction (meeting in the sky to begin a new cycle). The Venus Star Point (VSP) is a concept that Arielle Guttman developed. For more information see Arielle’s book “Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the Twenty-First Century. Both the retrograde (morning star) and direct (evening star) conjunctions are equally important. Further emphasizing the dual nature of Venus.
The Venus Star Point moves backwards through the zodiac or signs. Each VSP moves about two degrees backwards. Taking 250 years of Sun Venus conjunctions to travel through the twelve signs of the zodiac. The Venus Star Point remains in one zodiacal sign for 100 years and then is absent for 150 years. Five of the zodiac signs are active at one time.

Venus Star Point in Gemini
- Gemini is a Mutable Air Sign, Sign of the Twins, Bridging Spirit & Matter
- Final sign of Spring, season of pollination
- Ruling planet: Mercury (the messenger)
- Key words for Gemini: Awareness, Communication, Intelligence, Quickness, Adaptability, Versatility, Talkative, Expressive, Alert, Changeable, Curious, Imaginative, Gathers Information, Connections, Learning
- Caution: Scattered, Impulsive, Restless, Superficiality
- Ruler of Taurus (Earth) & Libra (Air)
- A Greco/Roman Goddess with ancient Babylonian roots
- Morning Star & Evening Star (switches back & forth)
- Attraction & Desire
- Love, Fertility, Creativity & Harmony
- Pursuit of Beauty
- Sensuality & Feelings
- Relationships
“Your Venus Star Point influences your point of view, identifies your talents, and leads you to fulfill your life’s purpose.” -Arielle Guttman
Dual Nature of Venus/Aphrodite (Arielle Guttman)
Morning Star Venus | Evening Star Venus |
Seen before dawn | Seen after sunset |
Perigee – retrograde – slow moving | Apogee – direct -fast moving |
Reappears: 6-8 days after conjunction | Reappears: 60 days after conjunct |
Ascends swiftly, Descends slowly | Ascends slowly, Descends swiftly |
Earthly – Rules Taurus | Celestial – Rules Libra |
- Gemini is the sign of the twins (dual nature)
- Apollo – the Greek solar god was a twin
- Venus – a dual Goddess (Innana & Ereshkigal)
Cyclic Pattern of The Venus Star Point
- The complete VSP Cycle takes 250 years and almost matches that of Pluto’s 248 year transit through the entire zodiac.
- Each conjunction is about every 9.2 months and moves backwards through the signs.
- The conjunctions alternate from direct to retrograde to direct to retrograde and continue on.
- Each calendar year has at least one Venus Star Point conjunction.
- The VSP repeats in a sign every 4 years. To complete the entire cycle, Direct and retrograde Venus Star Point in each sign takes 8 years.

Astrology Chart for the Venus Star Point Gemini

- Sign ruler of Gemini is Mercury. Mercury is also in Gemini.
- Saturn (planet of structure and rules) is in Pisces squaring the VSP.
- Jupiter is the traditional ruler if Pisces.
- This square between Saturn and the VSP leads me to believe that we will see change in women’s issues. Woman will stand up and in their power. More equality.
Who May Feel This Energy the Most?
- If your birthday is June 1st – 9th or December 2nd – 10th
- Planets 10° – 18° Gemini or Sagittarius and possibly Virgo or Pisces
- If you are born after June 20, 1964
YouTube Episode: The Astrology Star Sisters
Talk over Tea:
Venus Star Point Gemini
Schedule a Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart of the time the question is asked for the answer.