The home sign of Neptune is Pisces and just about at the end of his journey through Pisces. Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and will leave the sign of Pisces on January 26, 2026 for the next 150 years.
Thank you Dabney Lawless for your collaboration on Neptune Retrograde Pisces 2024. Dabney from Lawless astrology is my guest on The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea episode on “Neptune Retrograde: Revise and Re-Envision”.
Neptune Retrograde Pisces 2024
- Neptune entered Pisces on April 4, 2011 – Aug 4, 2011
- Re-enters Pisces February 3, 2012 – March 30, 2025
- Re-enters Pisces October 22, 2025 – January 26, 2026
- Stations Retrograde July 2nd, 3:40 am PDT, 6:40 am ET
- Stations Retrograde at 29° Pisces 55’
- Stations Direct: December 7, 2024 – at 27° 17’
- 3:43 pm PST, 6:43 pm EST
- at 29°: May 3, 2024 – August 31, 2024
- March 3, 2025 – March 30, 2025
Random Facts about Neptune

- Home Sign is Pisces & rules the 12th House (it is on steroids)
- The planet of Dreams, Inspiration, Mysticism, Transcendent, Merging, Oneness, Creative Expression, Compassion
- Caution: Delusion, Escape, Foggy, Confusion, Illusion, Destructive Expression, Addiction, Anxiety, Disillusionment
- Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea
- Roman God of Freshwater, the Sea, & Horses
- Brother to Pluto & Jupiter
- The Brothers Preside over the realms of heaven, the earthly world, and the underworld
- Poseidon – Greek God of the Sea
- Neptune visits each sign for about 14 years
- Taking about 165 years to visit each sign of the zodiac
Neptune Stations Retrograde in Pisces: Revise & Re-Envision

3:40 am PDT, Seattle, WA
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.
~ Carl Jung
Schedule a Astrology Consultations Today!
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of them. Feel free to contact Elizabeth for a free 10 minute pre consultation chat.
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart of the time the question is asked for the answer.
Previous Visit of Neptune in Pisces 1847 -1862
- Spiritualism gained momentum, Mormons in Utah
- Gold Rush in Coloma, CA at Sutter’s Mill, Silver Rush
- End of Mexican American War
- Pinkerton International Detective Agency Founded
- Levi Strauss Store – San Francisco, Sell clothes & Goods
- Wells Fargo & Western Union Founded
- Popular Phrase “Go West Young Man” Indiana Newspaper
- Supreme Court Ruled Slavery Illegal – Oregon Territory
- Steamboat service from East to West Coast
What was Neptune in Pisces About?
- Rising above the physical or mundane, and practical world we know
- Seeing beyond what we have known for most of our lives
- The future feels and seems so uncertain
- Allowed a receptive and open space. Getting out of our mind & body. Tapping into something bigger than ourselves.
- Trust, unconditional love, and spiritual comfort has gone through a huge change
- Since 2011, unbelievable incredible amount of change
- How we engage with media, Newspapers mostly on line now, news now available through social media platforms
- Who do we trust or no longer trust
- Structure we relied on for decades crumbled
- Experienced a Pandemic, leaving us scared and isolated
- AI – Artificial Intelligence and fake news: can’t tell what is real anymore
- Drug overdoses, the Fentanyl crisis and other forms of escapism
- Astrology has become mainstream
- Social Media: Explosive growth and interacting across the world, Zoom and other meeting platforms had explosive unexpected growth (especially during the pandemic)
- YouTube, Tik-Tok and other platforms offer everyone ways to connect from just about anywhere in the world
- People more empathetic with others in society. Black lives matter, Me Too and countless other rescue efforts for climate tragedies have come to the surface
- Despite troubles, many have experienced a spiritual awakening and spiritual meaning in personal lives beyond the ego
Father of Modern Astrology – Alan Leo

Inventor Nikola Tesla
- Alan Leo: Born William Frederick Allan
- August 7, 1860, 6:10 am London, England
- Neptune at 29° Pisces’ Retrograde
- Astrologer, Author, Publisher, Astrological Data Collector, Theosophist
- Esoteric Astrology, Horary, Progressions
- Wrote for the Astrology Magazine
- Publish numerous books that are available today

Sabian Symbols
In 1925, Spiritualist Medium Elsie Wheeler channeled the Sabian Symbols with the assistance of Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones.
Mr. Jones believed Elsie had taped into the “Ancient Mind Matrix”.
They are symbolic images for each degree of the zodiac. Always round up.
A few good books on Sabian Symbols:
- Dane Rudhyar An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar
- The Sabian Oracle: 360 degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill
- The Sabian Symbols Brought to Life by Blain Bovee
Sabian Symbol For Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 2024
KEYNOTE: The power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer.
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story “The Great Stone Face” is used here in an allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image. At the highest spiritual-cosmic level this is the power used by the God-like Beings at the close of a cosmic cycle in projecting the basic Formula (the Word) which will start a new universe. In a biological sense, it is the power latent in all seeds — the power to produce and guide the growth of the future plant. A most fitting symbol for the last phase of the cyclic process. Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency — unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure.
This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.
29° The Anaretic Degree
- The energy is peaking, completion, finishing up, and endings
- Degree of ‘Fate’ or ‘Karma’
- Change is inevitable
- Falling away and dissolving, new opportunities
- Tap into inner knowing and oneness with the universe
- Chaos brings more deception. Reflect on Spiritual Life
- Let go of what is fading away, and do it with grace and gratitude
- What you have sown, so shall one reap
- Holding on is fruitless, accept, things are slipping away
- The old reality is really gone
- Tides go in and out. What is leaving will be back transformed and open doors for the new
- This void may be uncomfortable, but necessary. This phase – feels dark and uncertain. Rebirth to come.
Neptune Ingress into Aries

- That’s for another blog down the road. But, a very different energy than Pisces.
- Action instead of floating in a sea of uncertainty.
- Taking action around housing the homeless, addiction, and other community concerns
See Elizabeth’s YouTube Channel
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Enjoy the following episodes:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview” with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “Full Moon Forecast” each month with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- * NEW * Chiron – Asteroid Series, With Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Summer Solstice 2024, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Saturn Retrograde: Reality Check!, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Venus Star Point Gemini, with Astrologers Marcia Butchart and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
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