Reverberations Jupiter Uranus 2024

Reverberations Jupiter Uranus 2024

Can you sense or feel the “Reverberations of Jupiter and Uranus 2024”? I am sensing that there is some change coming my way. I can’t tell you what that changes is but it feels like a positive change. Even though at first sometimes it feel uncomfortable. We often have twenty twenty vision afterwards and can say “If that hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have done this”.

Jupiter and Uranus met up on April 20th at 21 degrees and 49 minutes of Taurus. Beginning a new Jupiter Uranus cycle or phase for the next 13 – 14 years. The First Reverberation begins on May 7th, the same day of the Taurus New Moon. The Sun and Moon come together for their once a month gathering at 18 degrees and 02 minutes of Taurus. This Taurus New Moon (Sun & Moon) are very close to and conjunct Uranus and Jupiter reactivating the Uranus Jupiter Conjunction point.

The Moon makes an exact conjunction with Uranus eight hours after the full moon and the Moon catches up to Jupiter and makes a conjunction thirteen hours after the New Moon on May 8th. May 7th and 8th are days of potential surprises, shifts and changes. Remember to be observant and pace yourself on these days.

Write down your goals, wishes, and desires!

Also, remember to take a few minutes to write down your goals, wishes, and desires. This New Moon has the potential to manifest what you desire and ask for at this time. The caution would be: make sure you ask for what you Really want and desire. Of course, depending on how big the goal or wish is it could take some time to manifest. Will you manifest your desires in a month, a year, three years, or up to fourteen years? Be realistic about what you want to achieve and how fast. Yes, miracles do happen! It is possible for your wish to be granted quickly.


  • King of the Gods
  • Rules Sagittarius and Pisces, 9th and 12th Houses
  • Higher Mind, Knowledge, and Wisdom
  • Abundance, Blessings, Expansion, Growth, Good Fortune, Success, Search for Truth & Meaning, Luck, Prosperity
  • Caution: Lack of Motivation, Lazy, Excess, Overindulgent, Lack of Practicality


  • God of the Sky
  • Rules Aquarius and the 11th Astrological House
  • Awakener, Breakthrough, Change Maker, Extremes, Freedom, Independent, Innovative, Revolution, Unexpected
  • Caution: Rebellious, Dislikes Authority, Over-Confident, Blunt, Unpredictability, Moodiness, Confusion, Dissociation 

Taurus – Fixed Earth

  • Ruled by Venus – Love, Beauty, & Wealth
  • Second Astrological Sign – 2nd Astrological House
  • Dependable,  Devoted, Reliable, Grounded, Investments, Valuables, Personal Income 
  • Caution: Stubborn, Materialism, Overindulgence, Possessive, Lazy

Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of:

  • Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
  • Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
  • Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
  • Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
  • Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
  • Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
  • Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart of the time the question is asked for the answer.

Reverberations of Jupiter & Uranus 2024

Uranus Jupiter Conjunction Tidbits

  • Jupiter and Uranus meet up every 13 – 14 years
  • Beginning of a new Jupiter Uranus cycle
  • Last Uranus Jupiter  Conjunction in Taurus was on May 7, 1941
  • The Last Uranus Jupiter Conjunction occurred in Aries and Pisces
    • Aries – June 8, 2010, 00° 17’ 
    • Pisces – Sept. 18, 2010 28° 42’ Retrograde 
    • Pisces – Jan. 4, 2011 – 27° 02’

The Next Uranus Jupiter Conjunction Sept 8, 2037 – 23° Cancer 02’

First Reverberation – Taurus New Moon

Reverberations Jupiter Uranus 2024
Taurus New Moon – May 7, 2024 – 11:22 pm PDT – Seattle, WA
  • May 7 New Moon
    • Sun/Moon/Jupiter/Uranus conjunct (18° – 25° Taurus)
    • May 8 Moon conjunct Uranus (8 hours after New Moon
    • May 8 Moon conjunct Jupiter (13 hours after New Moon)

This New Moon looks like it will be a good Manifesting Moon. Plan ahead, write out some plans and goals. You have a few time frames to manifest within: Thirteen years, three years, one year, or one month. You chose. But, be realistic too. Miracles do happen.

Activations of Jupiter Uranus Conjunction Point at 21° Taurus: Pay attention to the following dates.

  • May 11 Sun – pay attention to the sign around you, could be a big clue
  • May 16 Venus – relationship changes possible
  • May 29 Mercury – communication or information that can fill in the missing gaps

Uranus Jupiter Conjunction 2024

Change, unexpected change that expands your world.

Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus

  • May 13 – Sun/Uranus conjunct 23° – change possible
  • May 15 – Mercury  ingress into Taurus, – communication may slow down or be more grounded
  • May 18 – Venus/Uranus conj. 23° – Changes of all kinds in relationships
  • May 18 – Sun/Jupiter conj.  28° – What you focus your attention on this day you can manifest
  • May 23 – Venus/Jupiter conj. 29° – Relationship growing or a new relationship possible
  • May 31 – Mercury/Uranus conj. 24° – Communication could be strange today. Also, sparks of Genius, from conversations, or flashes of ideas or inspiration.

Mars Rings the Bell

  • July 8 – Mars rings the bell (21° Taurus 49′) – We should have some idea of what the expansion and change is about at this time. Mars can be the catalyst to set the energy in motion.
  • July 15 – Mars/Uranus conj. 26° Taurus – Watch this day for unexpected change.
  • Aug 14 – Mars/Jupiter conjunct 16° Gemini 40’ – Moving forward in a new way.

Reverberations of Jupiter & Uranus 2024 Continue to Activate

  • June 4 – Moon rings the bell 21° Taurus 49’ – A soft reverberation.
  • July 1 – Moon rings the bell – A gentle reminder.
  • July 8 – Mars rings the bell – This one is loud.
  • July 15 – Mars/Uranus conjunct 26° Taurus 19’ – This one should grab our attention.
  • July 29 – Moon rings the bell – Another gentle reminder.
  • Aug 14 – Mars/Jupiter conjunct 16° Gemini 40’ – Moving forward with motivation.
  • Aug 25 – Moon rings the bell – Yet again another gentle reminder.

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Enjoy the following episodes:

  • Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview” Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett review the Astrological Highlights of the Month ahead.
  • “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Venus & Jupiter ingress into Gemini, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
  • “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Saturn Stations Retrograde, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
  • “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Venus Star Point Gemini, with Astrologers Marcia Butchart and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
  • Full Moon Forecast” each month Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett review the Astrology of the current Full Moon.

Feel free to share the Astrology Forecast May 2024 with your friends and family.

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