We are entering May the fifth month of the year and Mercury is direct again. Several missing pieces of information came together for me during the Mercury retrograde cycle. I began tracking projects I’m working on and their progress. Getting more work done in less time. So interesting how that works. Also, I’m writing down all my ideas so I don’t forget any of them. Seems like they are coming in flashes these days. Now for the Astrology Forecast May 2024.
Mercury leaves its shadow phase of the retrograde on May 13th and ingresses into Taurus a few days later on May 17th. Also, we are half way through Spring. Time sure seems to be speeding up. Venus and Jupiter at the end of the month enter the sign of Gemini.
Pluto Stations Retrograde
May begins with Pluto stationing retrograde on the 2nd. Pluto has been slowing down and preparing for the retrograde since about April 22nd. When an outer planet stations retrograde we can feel or sense the energy change for a week to 10 days before and after the actual retrograde station.
I like to use the example of a Large Cruise Ship changing directions for outer planet stations. First, it takes a long time to stop or change directions. Secondly, if the ship is in gear to move forward and you want to stop or change direction as fast as you can. The water around the ship becomes rough and stirred up. Thirdly, it takes time. I’ve heard it can take a few miles for a large ship to stop in the water. So, I recommend having patience over the first two weeks of May as it may take a little more time to accomplish your goals or tasks.
There will be five planets at 29 degrees this month. An astrological term for 29 degrees is the “Anaretic Degree” or “Degree of Fate”. At this degree the planets act a bit out of character. Coming to a peak at 29 degrees and moving into the next sign. There can be some urgency to complete or bring to conclusion as you prepare for the new.
Mercury leaves the shadow phase of the retrograde on May 13th and ingresses into Taurus a few days later on May 17th. Also, we are half way through Spring. Time sure seems to be speeding up. Pluto slows down and stations retrograde for the next 5 months. Venus and Jupiter at the end of the month enter Gemini.
Planets Ingress into New Territory
This month Mercury, Sun, Venus, and Jupiter ingress into new energy or signs. Three of these planets are moving into Gemini. Shifting the energy from fire to Air. Bringing in more communications, writing, learning, and short distant travel. Have pen and paper ready or a recording app on your phone to make a note of your thoughts and ideas.
We have had a very focused energy with most of the planets in three signs, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. The exception is Pluto in Aquarius. The focused energy has been helpful in focusing on projects that require detail. Now the energy is spreading out a bit to include Gemini, including five signs by the end of the month.
- Mercury ingress to Taurus 5/15 – moving from fiery Aries to earthly Taurus. Slower more grounded communication.
- Sun ingress to Gemini 5/2 – from Taurus to Airy Gemini. Communication, writing, journaling, ideas.
- Venus ingress to Gemini 5/23 – from one of Venus’s home signs to Gemini. Getting out in the neighborhood to explore new parks and trails.
- Jupiter Ingress to Gemini 5/25 – Jupiter will be in Gemini for about a year. Starting a new phase. Expanding our thoughts and ideas. This energy could be very helpful for writing and writers.
Astrology Forecast May 2024

Looking at the Astrology Chart of May 1st, the Moon is in Aquarius. I use the moon’s energy as we enter a new month as the flavor of the month so to speak. What comes to mind is that the energy or flavor brings breakthroughs, flashes of new and out of the box ideas, and innovative. I am writing down all the ideas that are coming to me these days. It seems they are coming in quick and leave just as fast.
Contact Liz for an Astrological Charting Consultation
Consultations consist of the following choices or a combination of:
- Natal (birth chart) – looking at your natural talents and gifts, lessons and challenges, and strengths and weaknesses.
- Transits – comparing your natal chart with the planets in the sky today.
- Solar Return – Your Sun returns to the exact degree as your time of birth each year, this is a called a Solar Return. Looking at your personal chart for the year ahead. Synthesizing your natal chart with your solar return.
- Progressions and Solar Arc’s – Looking at how you have grown and evolved from birth.
- Relationship Astrology – looking at communication styles and personality, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and challenges. Tips on how to work and grow with the relationship.
- Electional Astrology – Plan for the best day and time to launch your business, your wedding and more.
- Horary Astrology – Answering a specific question. Looking at the chart of the time the question is asked for the answer.
May 1 – 4, 2024 Astrology Forecast

- Pluto Week – the feature of the week
- 1 – Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius 02° 06’ (red) actually on April 30th, 9:30 pm PDT. Review and adjust your investments or spending and saving style. Good for getting ready to release some of the things you no longer use.
- 2 – Pluto Stations Retrograde** (orange) 02° Aquarius 06’ Transmutation and transformation time from the inside out.
- 3 – Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius 02° 06’ (light blue) Assisting energy to let go of what no longer serves you.
- 4 – Moon conjunct Neptune (purple) 29° Pisces 02’ Emotions could be hazy to day.
5 – 6 of May

- 6 – Mercury conjunct Chiron (purple) in Aries 21°02’. Kind word to self and others.
- 6 – Sun in Taurus 17° sextile Saturn in Pisces 17°. What do I need to do today that can’t wait another day?
Taurus New Moon

Seattle, WA
- Taurus New Moon (circled in purple). I like this energy to plan the garden. Review investments. Try a new recipe.
- ASC (ascendant), POF (part of fortune), & POS (Part of Spirit) Conjunct in Scorpio at 17° 27’, What do I need to look at that may be deep within myself? Gently nudge it out and take a step to releasing or healing it.
- Opposite Sun, Moon, Uranus, & Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (box color blue-green) Remember to do your New Moon wishes and desires. With Uranus and Jupiter so close to this New Moon you could magically manifest easily and quickly.
“The winds of grace are blowing all the time, but it is you that must raise your sails” ~ Rabindranath Tagore
May 13 – 18, 2024 Astrology Forecast

- 13 – Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus 23° 06’ (purple) Some unexpected change today.
- 15 – Mercury Ingress into Taurus (Green). The ideas will come in a little more slowly now and be able to retain them.
- 17 – Mercury in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius 02° 03’ (Red). Communicate any deep issues that arise. Even writing about it on a piece of paper. Don’t ignore. Confide in a trusted person or counselor if you need.
- 18 – Sun conjunction Jupiter in Taurus 28° 18’ (orange). A big gift or surprise for today.
18 – 21 of May

- 18 – Venus Conjunct Uranus 23° 23’ (Purple). An unexpected change in relationship.
- 20 – Sun ingress Gemini (Green) Communication, short trips, siblings, neighborhoods are front and center for the month ahead.
- 22 – Sun (Gemini) trine Pluto 02° 00’ (Aquarius). Lighting up any deep issues that are ready to release or review.
Sagittarius Full Moon
Note: The Full Moon is on May 23rd Not on the 29th as written on the chart

6:53 pm PDT, 9:53 EDT – Chart: Seattle, WA
- Sagittarius Full Moon, 02° Sagittarius 55’
- Sun/Venus/Jupiter Conjunction Be clear with your words, what you journal and write about. You can manifest more easily now. Be sure and ask for exactly what you desire or something better.
- Moon Conjunct Pallas, Strategy and emotional nature teaming up.
Note: Full Moon on May 23rd, Not on the 29th as written on the chart

- Two Mini Grand Trines,
- Sextiles (60°) apart from each other. A communicating and working together energy
- Moon * Pluto Getting in touch with our emotions on a deeper level than before.
- Pluto * Neptune communicating with the Moon in this mini grand trine. Seeing more clearly the emotional nature of the situation.
- Neptune * Jupiter & Venus all of these planets are at 29°, a potential for them not to act in their normal way. Could be greater intuitive ability at this time and not being sure it is real or just imagined. Focus on the upgrade of intuition.
- Trines (120°) apart from each other
- Moon Trine Neptune Checking in with yourself about this emotion I am sensing is it imagination or real?
- Pluto Trine Jupiter & Venus Some transmutation and or transformation occurring with your relationships.
May 23 – 25

- Mini Grand Trine
- 23 – Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus 29° 22’ (purple). New and or improved relationships.
- Venus sextile Neptune in Pisces 29° 30’ (Light Blue). Clearing the fog around your desires.
- Venus ingress Gemini (purple). Venus is planning the improvements she wants to make.
- 25 – Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius 01° 59’(Dark Blue), Sharing love, compassion and words of encouragement to that which is deep inside.
- Jupiter ingress Gemini (Purple) Jupiter in a new sign brings a new energy. Gemini is an Air sign. Communicate your desires and wishes. Jupiter may grant them to you this year.
May 27 – 31, 2024 Astrology Forecast

- 27 – Mercury 18° 33’ in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (light blue). The boundaries could be shifting.
- 29 – Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries 22° 09’ (purple). Be kind to self and others. Our words can be very healing but also they can wound.
- 30 – Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus 24° 07’ (purple), Write down all the flashes of information you receive today. Perhaps hearing from someone you lost touch with.
Elizabeth Liz Muschett YouTube Channel
Please like, subscribe, and leave a comment on my YouTube channel.
Enjoy the following episodes:
- “Astrology Forecast, a Monthly overview” with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Venus & Jupiter ingress into Gemini, with Astrologers Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Jupiter Uranus Reverberations, with Astrologers Ximon Dunedain and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
- “The Astrology Star Sisters Talk over Tea” Topic: Venus Star Point Gemini, with Astrologers Marcia Butchart and Elizabeth Liz Muschett
- “Full Moon Forecast” each month with Astrologers Justin Crockett Elzie and Elizabeth Liz Muschett.
Feel free to share the Astrology Forecast May 2024 with your friends and family.