The return of Spring Equinox 2024 is upon us. The Sun ingresses into the sign of Aries on March 20th at 3:06 am Universal Time. And on March 19th at 8:06 pm PDT and11:06 pm EDT. The time to plant seeds for the future, new beginnings, fresh starts, fertility, a return of the light, and transformation. Take a moment to review you affirmations, wishes and desires for the year. If you haven’t started on them, now is a good time to do that. Reaffirm the ones you want to carry on with. Re-work the ones that need adjusting and release the ones that you no longer desire. Vision boards and journaling work well in capturing you wishes, desires, dreams and goals.
A hint of spring has appeared at my house, a blooming shrub in my yard, the grass is starting to grow again, and the few tulips in the yard are about to open up and say hello. Even though earlier this week I woke up two mornings to a half inch of snow on the ground, it was melted and gone by about noon. The in between of winter, cold and rainy days and the promise of warmer days, blue skies and sunshine.
The Sun returns to 00° Aries for Spring Equinox

As the Sun ingresses (moves) into Aries we celebrate Astrological New Year, Spring, Spring Equinox, and Ostara here in the Northern Hemisphere. The word Equinox comes from the Latin word “aequis – equal and “noctium or nox” – night. The Sun crosses the plane of the equator, moving North, providing almost everyone with an equal amount of daylight and darkness. Ostara is one of eight sabbats and is represented by the Goddess Eostre or Ostara. Spring, new beginnings, planting new seeds, dawn, life, fertility, and transformation.
The chart above is a universal chart, for the world. The Ascendant is in Capricorn a sign of responsibility, boundaries, and hard work. The Sun in in Aries in the second house, money, earned income, valuables. This new phase is asking us all to be responsible with our money, invest wisely, and pay down debt. The Washington, DC chart has Scorpio Ascendant and the Sun in the fifth looks like a secret could surface about a romance or gambling money away. For the Seattle chart the Ascendant is Libra and the Aries Sun is in the 6th house, finding balance in your day to day responsibilities, work, and health.
“The Magic in New Beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all”
Josiyah Martin
Spring’s Cooperation and Flow

In this Chart we have a lot of supportive, flowing energy. To begin with a Grand Trine in Fire (dark blue).
- Sun in Aries trine
- Moon in Leo trine
- Pallas Athena in Leo. A boost of energy for us, some will welcome this and others may not like it so much. I have been hearing from my clients that they are tired.
The Sun is in the 2nd House of Values, Moon in the 7th House of Relationships, and Pallas Athena in the 11th House of groups and friends. Re-examining our values, relationships, and groups. You might want to ask yourself, Do my personal values work for me or have I outgrown them? A relationship or two may need some nurturing. Are the groups I belong to my cup of tea or is it time to move on?
In light blue, there is a trine between Mars in Aquarius in the 1st house and Vesta in Gemini in the 6th House. Passionate to improve your body or health. A home improvement project.
Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd House of values sextile Phollus, Ascendant, and Ceres in Capricorn in the 1st House of self, Trine Jupiter conjunct Part of Spirit in Taurus in the 3rd House of communication, and to complete the pattern Jupiter sextiles Venus and Saturn. The planets are really packed together in this chart. Since the first 3 Houses are in this aspect pattern, it makes me think of new beginning and learning or exploring new things. Venus and Saturn together can be about boundaries in relationships, Pholus, Ascendant, and Ceres represent a turning point, a starting point and how we nurture ourselves. Self care is important now.
Contact Liz for a Consultation
A quote for Spring Equinox 2024 – “Flowers Don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful”.
_-Jim Carrey
Mutable T-Square – Adjustment

- Pallas Athena in Sagittarius in the 11th House of Groups square
- Black Moon Lilith, Part of Fortune, and Juno in Virgo in the 8th House of transformation square
- Venus and Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd House of Personal Values.
Use your wisdom when dealing with groups or relationships. Some relationships may fade into the night and make room for new ones to come in. Remember, gently and easily with harm to none when releasing relationships.
Cardinal T-Square

- This Cardinal T-Square involves the Nodes of the Moon. Phollus, Ascendant, and Ceres in Capricorn in the 1st House square
- North Node, Mercury, and Chiron in Aries in the 3rd House of Communication, opposite
- South Node in Libra in the 8th House of Transformation, square to Capricorn.
Capricorn in the 1st House to me says we as individuals are at a turning point, also it represents our body. Now is a good time to make changes to our health, exercise more, adjust how we eat, drink more water. North Node, Mercury and Chiron in the 3rd House speaks of how we communicate is important and can be healing or a learning experience.
Square, Opposition, Quincunx – Spring Equinox 2024

- Pluto in Aquarius in the 1st House Opposite the Moon in Leo in the 7th House
- Hygeia and Neptune in Pisces in the 2nd House square Vesta in Gemini in the 6th House
- South Node in Libra in the 8th House quincunx Jupiter and Part of Spirit in Taurus in the 3rd House
Pluto opposite the Moon can be a an intense transformative and emotional time. Breathe deeply! Hygeia and Neptune square Vesta, pay attention to health matters. If you need your yearly check up, make the appointment. Attend to health issues in a timely manner now. Jupiter quincunx the South Node. Relationship issues may bubble to the surface, clear communication is important now.
World Astrology Day 2024

Elizabeth will be one of the Astrologers speaking at World Astrology Day. Sign up at East West Books in Edmonds, WA
Check out Elizabeth’s YouTube Channel
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