Astrologers Elizabeth Liz Muschett, Justin Crockett Elzie, and Sue ‘Rose’ Minahan on Talk Cosmos – Archetypal Symbols. Discussing the Pisces New Moon Forecast 2024. Looking at the Archetypal Symbols of Numerology, Tarot, Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion), Sabian Symbols, and the Astrology Chart. The Pisces New Moon is on March 10, 2024 at 1:00 am PST (Daylight time begins at 2:00 on March 10th).
Contact Elizabeth Liz Muschett for a Personal Consultation
Manifest with the Pisces New Moon
Remember, it’s time for a New Moon Manifesting Ritual. This moon’s astrology has the energy of healing, healing in relationships, new relationships, awaken and open up to your spiritual gifts, and more. Ask for your desires and dreams at least one and less than ten. Write your wishes down, make a collage or a drawing. Light a candle to send the intention out to the universe to be fulfilled. Create your own routine, be creative and have fun.
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