Look! It’s Autumn Equinox 2022 already, where has the time gone? I’ve been busy weeding and putting mulch in the flower beds. The yard projects for this years are winding down. Now, it’s time to split and stack firewood for the winter. The maples are shedding their leaves, as they drift in the breeze and land gently on the ground.
The Sun ingresses into the sign of Libra bringing Autumn Equinox once again. As we shift into a new season, the days and nights are equal in light and darkness. The nights are becoming a bit cooler.
Astro Highlights
- The Sun moves to the Sign of Libra. Equal daylight and darkness. Libra is about balance, harmony, and partnership. Sun is in the 5th house (romance, creativity, and fun) and almost in the 6th house (work, service, and health). Where are we out of balance? What do I need to do to be in harmony?
- The Ascendant is 17 degrees and 59 minutes of Taurus, ruled by Venus in the 5th House of fun, joy, and children. Taurus is a fixed sign. Any beauty or health routine adjustment made will have beneficial results.
- Jupiter in Aries in the 12th house opposite Sun and Mercury in Libra in the 5th/6th house (Mercury is still retrograde). This is a supportive time to make health changes. Drinking more water. Eating one more vegetable serving a week. Parking 5 space farther than the entrance. No matter how small it is a step in the right direction.
- Saturn and Uranus moving really close to an exact square but not quite 90 degrees apart, friction). Still some wanting to stay the same or do it the old way and others wanting to do things in a new way.
Outer Planet Highlights
- Uranus in Taurus in the 1st house (of self, me, myself and I) and conjunct (next to) the Ascendant. This is a supportive energy to begin to make personal changes. Begin an exercise routine, new eating plan. Remember this is the beginning and to be patient and gentle with yourself while you begin these new routines. The North Node of the Moon is at 14 degrees and 17 minutes of Taurus in the 12th house conjunct (next to) the Ascendant also. With the North Node here any changes made now will have lasting effects.
- Neptune in the 11th house of Pisces is opposite Venus in the 5th house in Virgo. Neptune (dream and big picture), Venus (beauty). Dream big!
- Pluto is conjunct the Mid Heaven (MC), some kind of change around how your are seen, job or career, position, hours, etc. Preparing for retirement, working another year before retirement, moving to a job you like more.

Want to know where this planetary energies are happening for you personally? Contact Elizabeth for an Astrological Consultation.
Sabian Symbols
The Sabian Symbols are channeled phrases. Giving each degree of the zodiac an individual archetypal symbolism. In1925 Elsie Wheeler channeled the symbols as Marc Edmond Jones wrote them down, in San Diego, California. These symbols give us a hint of the current Astrological energy.
I use three degrees for the Sabian Symbols. The first degree representing the past or where we have come from. The second degree, The present or now. And the third degree as the future or where we are headed.
- 18 Taurus: A woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room. Cleansing ego consciousness.
- 19 Taurus: A new continent rising out of the ocean. Surge of new potential.
- 20 Taurus: Wisps of wing like clouds streaming across the sky. Awareness of spiritual forces at work.
- 1 Libra: In a collection of perfect specimens of many biological forms, a butterfly displays the beauty of its wings, its body impaled by a fine dart. Immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals.
- 2 Libra: The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed realizations of the forever creative spirit. Repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.
- 3 Libra: The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed. Possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.
- 28 Capricorn: A large aviary. Enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications.
- 29 Capricorn: A woman reading tea leaves. Ability to see the signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention.
- 30 Capricorn: A deserter from the navy. Individuals self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable.