Virgo New Moon 2022. On August 27th at 4:17 am EDT and 1:17 am PDT the Moon and Sun join together at 04 degrees Virgo and 03 minutes. So, looking back to last months new moon advice, ‘breath, take one step at a time, and have patience’. Very helpful, indeed. Especially now that we are in ‘Go’ mode. We are no longer coasting or idling. This Virgo new moon phase is all about moving forward, starting new projects or improving on those you are working on. Full speed ahead. I suggest think before you speak (even for 10 seconds), schedule time for work, play, fun, rest and more. Have a good time while you are moving forward.
Mercury the planet of communication is very active now. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, (Sun and Moon are together in Virgo). Mars entered the sign of Gemini on August 20th, which is also ruled by Mercury. Mars will be in Gemini for seven months until March 25, 2023. Use this energy constructively to assist in getting things accomplished. Keep moving forward, you can make adjustments later.
Highlights of the Virgo New Moon

- Sun/Moon 04° Virgo03’ squares Mars 04° Gemini 00’ and Sun/Moon opposite Vesta Retrograde 28° Aquarius 31’, together Forming a T Square. Squares are about friction and making adjustments
- Mars 04° Gemini 00’ Trine Mercury 01° Libra 17’. Trines are an energy of the planetary energy’s working together.
- Mercury 01° Libra 17’ Trine Pluto Retrograde 26° Capricorn 31’
- Mercury 01° Libra 17’ opposite Jupiter Retrograde 07° Aries 19’
- Mercury 01° Libra 17’ opposite Neptune 24° Pisces 34’
- Fixed grand cross with Ceres/Venus, Hygeia and the South Node, Saturn, and North Node and Uranus
- Ceres 15° Leo 28′ and Venus 19° Leo 06’
- Hygeia 15° Scorpio 28’ and South Node 16° Scorpio 08’
- Saturn Retrograde 20° Aquarius 57’
- North Node 16° Taurus 08’ and Uranus Retrograde 18°Taurus 55’
Chart shape – Locomotive with Pluto leading: – A drive and ambition to achieve ones goals and desires (feels like forward movement, shifting gears. At times it may feel like things are moving very quickly. Not coasting anymore).
The Moon, Sun, and Mars are at four (4) degrees. So, taking a look at keywords for the number four:
- Foundation and Stability
- Building and Producing
- Growing
- Confidence
- Work
- responsibility
Color Coded Virgo New Moon Astrology Chart

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Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbols are channeled phrases, one for each degree (360) of the zodiac. Marc Edmond Jones asked Elsie Wheeler to channel these in1925. These symbols give us a hint of the current Astrological energy.
Using Two to Three Sabian Symbols.
- Three Sabian Symbols – Past, Present, Future or Leading up to, Now, Moving toward
- Two Sabian Symbols – Now, Moving Forward
Sabian Symbols from “Dane Rudhyar An Astrological Mandala: They cycle of transformations and its 360 symbolic Phases”
Takeaway from the Sabian Symbols
Awakening Consciousness or Consciousness Awakening is repeated throughout the Sabian Symbol messages this Virgo season. Also, abundant potential and possibilities. Dig deep, transform or transmute. Guidance and assistance is here. Take care of yourself as well as others. Now is the time to move forward with new projects, ideas, research and more. Enjoy the journey!
Virgo New Moon
Sun/Moon 04° Virgo 03’
- 4 Virgo – Black and white children play together happily. Overcoming prejudices.
- 5 Virgo – A man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual agencies. Opening new levels of consciousness.
- 6 Virgo – A merry-go-round. Life processes
Angles: ASC/Ascendant and MC/Midheaven
ASC 06° Leo 14’
- 6 Leo – A conservative old fashioned lady in confronted by a Hippie girl. The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well in clothes.
- 7 Leo – The constellations of stars shine brilliantly in the night sky. The power of basic spiritual values, common humanity and all archetypes.
- 8 Leo – A communist activist speaking his revolutionary ideals. Emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order
MC 24° Aries 34’
- 24 Aries – Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia. Open to the influx of spiritual energies.
- 25 Aries – The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being. Revelation of new potentialities.
- 26 Aries – A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. Obsession by potentiality.
T square with Sun/Moon in Virgo, Mars in Gemini
and Vesta in Aquarius
Sun/Moon 04° Virgo03’ squares Mars
Mars 04° Gemini 00’
- 4 Gemini – Holly and mistletoe reawaken old memories of Christmas. Longing for the pre-intellectual state of consciousness.
- 5 Gemini – A revolutionary magazine asking for action. Explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions.
- 6 Gemini – Workmen drilling for oil. Eagerness for knowledge which ensures wealth and power.
Sun/Moon opposite Vesta Retrograde
Vesta R 28° Aquarius 31’
- 28 Aquarius – A tree felled and sawed to ensure a supple of wood for the winter. Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs
- 29 Aquarius – A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Capacity to transform the character of one’s consciousness by altering the structural patterns of everyday living and types of relationships one enters upon.
Mercury Trine Pluto Retrograde
Mercury 01° Libra 17’
- 1 Libra – In a collection of perfect specimens of many biological forms. A butterfly displays the beauty of its wings, its body impaled by a fine dart. Immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals.
- 2 Libra – The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into speed-realizations of the forever creative spirit. Repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.
- 3 Libra – The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed. Ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.
Pluto Retrograde 26° Capricorn 31’
- 24 Capricorn – A woman entering a convent. Total commitment to a transcendent goal.
- 25 Capricorn – A store filled with precious oriental rugs. Use of cultural and artistic processes as a means to enhance personal comfort and appreciation.
Mercury opposite Jupiter Retrograde
Jupiter Retrograde 07° Aries 19’
- 7 Aries – A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms. Realization of the dual nature of man and of the possibilities it implies.
- 8 Aries – A large woman’s hat with streamers blown by an east wind. Protection and spiritual guidance in the development of consciousness.
Mercury opposite Neptune Retrograde
Neptune 24° Pisces 34’
- 24 Pisces – On a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction. Need to consciously accept one’s own personal limitations in order to concentrate one’s energies and to live a centered and fulfilled life.
Fixed Grand Cross: Venus, Hygeia, Saturn and North Node
Venus 19° Leo 06’
- 19 Leo – A chemist conducts an experiment for his students. Inquiring into the hidden process of nature, the human mind experiences the thrill of discovery.
- 20 Leo – A houseboat party. Enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly structured social behavior.
Hygeia 15° Scorpio 28’ and South Node 16° Scorpio 08’
- 15 Scorpio – Children playing around five mounds of sand. Early steps in the development of a mind seeking to be attuned to the higher level of human evolution.
- 16 Scorpio – A girl’s face breaking into a smile. Reaching out on the part of heart to new experiences.
- 17 Scorpio – A woman, fecundated (impregnate) by her own spirit, is ‘great with child’. A total reliance upon the dictates of the God within.
Saturn Retrograde 20° Aquarius 57’
- 20 Aquarius – A large white dove bearing a message. The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts.
- 21 Aquarius – A disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces the seemingly empty life. The capacity to meet emotionally upsetting experiences in human relationships with strength of character and personal integrity.
North Node 16° Taurus 08’ and Uranus Retrograde 18°Taurus 55’
- 15 Taurus – Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves a storm. The courage needed to meet the crisis, precipitated by social ambition.
- 16 Taurus – An old teacher fails to interest his pupils in traditional knowledge. The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis.
- 17 Taurus – A symbolical battle between ‘swords’ and ‘torches’. Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal “Great War.”
- 18 Taurus – A woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room. The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.
Talk Cosmos Youtube Archetypal Symbols, Monthly Show
Elizabeth discussing with Astrologer Justin Crocket Elzie and Sue Rose Minahan, The Virgo New Moon and Awakening Consciousness – Consciousness Awakening. Enjoy the show.