The Cancer New Moon 2022 is on Tuesday, June 28th at 10:52 pm EDT and 7:52 pm PDT. The Sun and Moon are together in the sky at 07 degrees Cancer and 22 minutes. Here in the northern hemesphere we begin Summer. We are all excited to get outside and enjoy nature and the warmer weather. Looking at the chart below, shows that there are tasks in need of completion or releasing. Release what no longer serves you, making room to heal, begin new projects and grow.

Highlights of the Cancer New Moon 2022 Chart
Numerology – 7
- 7 degrees is repeated with the following planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter.
- Number 7 – Retreat, reflect, analyze, contemplate, work behind the scene.
- 7th Major Tarot Card – The Chariot which corresponds to the sign Cancer
- Bowl Shaped chart, focus on the bottom half of the chart. This I refer to as the inny, go within. Do your inner healing, take time for self and meditation.
- With most of the planet bodies below the horizon. A lot is going on below the surface. Like a tree, in winter, it can look dormant. But, there is a lot of activity going on with the root system and come spring it starts to bud and show growth again.
Masculine and Feminine activity. Working Together or Not?
- Eris and Mars are conjunct (male and female warriors, they are brother and sister, union of the masculine and femanine)
- Eris and Mars are square (tension) Pluto and square Ceres. Forming a T square. Again, the union of male and female. Also, there are a lot of things going on behind the scene. Pay attention.
- Saturn is square the nodes and Pallas. Saturn male and Pallas female (we have a pattern going on here).
- Saturn is Trine Mercury and sextile Mars. Easy aspects between these planets.
- Sun and Moon Square (tension) Jupiter. Jupiter brings attention to both sides of situations.
- Jupiter sextile to Venus – Woman’s issues are Big now.
- Mercury square Juno. Work to improve communication in partnership. Also, be sure you understand each other clearly.
- Chiron square Ceres (Goddess of agriculture, fertility and motherly relationships) – is the wound opened up or is it an opportunity to do some deep healing?
- Balance in one’s life is of great importantce. Work life, rest, family, fun time, exercise, spiritual life, to name a few.
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Sabian Symbols
Sabian Symbols are channeled phrases, one for each degree (360 in all) of the astrology chart. Marc Edmond Jones asked Elsie Wheeler to channel these in 1952. She, channeled these in San Diego, California and Mr. Jones wrote them down. These symbols give us a hint of the current Astrological energy.
The overall message from the Sabian Symbols for the Cancer New Moon are:
- Nature, nature spirits, force of nature. Unseen forces and power
- Hidden truths, secrets, motives are coming to center stage for all to be aware of.
- Wisdom, spritual guidance and forces are here to assist us all to grow.
Cancer New Moon 2022 – Sabian Symbols
- 7 Cancer – Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight (mysterious, magical, and invisible forces at work in the background)
- 8 Cancer – A group of rabbits dressed in human clothes walk as if on parade. Imitate higher forms to stimulate growth)
- 7 Gemini – A well with bucket and rope under the shade of a majestic trees. (Hidden power in sustaining life)
- 8 Gemini – Aroused strikers surround a Factory. (Disruptive power of ambitious mind)
- 7 Aries – A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms. (dualism sky/earth, spirit/matter, dual nature of man)
- 8 Aries – A large woman’s hat with streamers blown by the east wind. (protection and spiritual guidance)
ASC (Ascendant) & Part of Fortune
- 17 Aquarius – A watchdog stands guard, protecting his master and his possessions. (Protect and safeguard one’s individual rights under complex social pressures)
- 18 Aquarius – A man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked. (difficult to keep past secrets or deep motives)
- 19 Aquarius – A Forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy. (skill to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness)
MC (Midheaven)
- 5 Sagittarius – An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree. (wise approach, based on clear perception.)
- 6 Sagittarius – A game of cricket. (skill and testing collective goals)
North Node
- 21 Taurus – A finger pointing to a line in an open book. (Discern what is meaningful to you)
- 20 Taurus – Wisps of wing like clouds streaming across the sky. (awareness of spiritual forces at work)
South Node
- 21 Scorpio – Obeying his conscience, a soldier resist an order. (Conflict of values and or beliefs. Ready to face the consequences)
- 20 Scorpio – Hunters shooting wild ducks. (releasing aggressive instincts)
- 18 Gemini – Two Chinese men converse in their native language in an American city. (retain independence from physical location)
- 19 Gemini – A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom. (The planetary mind, collective knowledge coming forward)
- 24 Aquarius – A teacher having overcome her passions, teaches deep wisdom in terms of experiences. (Learning to overcome obstacles)
- 25 Aquarius – A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed. (develop rational mind ahead of normal evolution)
- 25 Pisces – A religious organization succeeds in overcoming the corrupting influence of perverted practices and materialized ideals. (The power of the soul to intervene)
- 26 Pisces – Watching the thin crescent moon appearing at sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects. (appreciation of life and life challenges)
Eris 24 Aries & Mars 25 Aries
- 24 Aries – Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of cornucopia. (openness to spiritual energies)
- 25 Aries –The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being. (new potentialities)
- 26 Aries – A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. (obsessed with potentiality)
- 17 Taurus – A symbolic battle between Swords and Torches. (refusing to rely on the past, fighting anew)
- 18 Taurus – A woman airing her old bag through the open window of her room. (cleansing consciousness)
- 16 Aries – Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset. (invisible force of nature)
- 17 Aries – Two dignified spinsters sitting in silence. (ability to transform)
- 27 Capricorn – Pilgrims climbing the steep steps leading to a mountain shrine. (higher consciousness reached)
- 28 Capricorn: A Large Aviary. (Spiritual values)