Astro Weather June 2022, Numerology and Tarot Tidbits too.
Tidbits of Astro Weather for June
- 1st – Moon Enters Cancer 1:49 am EDT (May 31st 10:49 pm PDT)
- 3rd – Mercury Stations Direct in Taurus at 26 degrees and 05 minutes, 4:00 am EDT and 1:00 am PDT, Moon enters Leo, 2:38 pm EDT and 11:38 am PDT
- 4th – Saturn Stations Retrograde in Aquarius at 25 degrees and 15 minutes, 5:47 pm EDT and 2:47 pm PDT
- 5th – Moon enters Virgo, 11:22 pm PDT
- 6th – Moon enters Virgo 2:22 am EDT
- 8th – Moon enters Libra 11:23 am EDT and 8:23 am PDT
- 10th – Moon enters Scorpio 4:41 pm EDT and 1:41 pm PDT
- 12th – Moon enters Sagittarius 6:31 pm EDT and 3:31 PDT
- 13th – Mercury enters Gemini, 11:27 am EDT and 8:27 am PDt
- 14th – Full Moon in Sagittarius at 23 degrees and 25 minutes, 7:30 am EDT and 4:30 am PDT, Moon Enters Capricorn 6:14 pm EDT and 3:14 PDT
- 16th – Moon enters Aquarius 5:44 pm EDT and 2:44 pm PDT
- 18th – Moon enters Pisces 7:01 pm EDT and 4:01 pm PDT
- 19th – Elizabeth, a quest astrologer on Talk Cosmos, discussing the Sumer Solstice Fathers Day
- 20th – Moon enters Aries 11:37 pm EDT and 8:37 pm PDT
- 21st – Summer Solstice, Litha, Sun enters Cancer, 5:14 am EDT and 2:14 am PDT
- 22nd – Venus enters Gemini, 8:34 pm EDT and 5:34 pm PDT
- 23rd – Moon enters Taurus, 7:58 am EDT and 4:58 am PDT
- 25th – Moon enters Gemini, 7:13 pm EDT and 4:13 pm PDT
- 26th – Elizabeth on the Archetypal Symbols Show on Talk Cosmos
- 28th – Neptune Stations Retrograde in Pisces at 3:55 am EDT and 12:55 am PDT Moon enters Cancer, 7:53 am EDT and 4:53 am PDT New Moon in Cancer at 7 degrees and 23 minutes,10:52 pm EDT and 7:52 pm PDT
- 30th – Moon enters Leo, 8:40 pm EDT and 5:40 pm PDT
June Numerology
June is the 6th month of the year. So, we have the influence , the 6.
June 2022, when the numbers are added equal 12. Then you and 1 + 2 = 3. Therefore, we are going to add in the influence of the 3.
Number 3 – The First cycle of Completion. Time for some fun and added joy. Small celebration or outing with friends.
The Number 6 – The second cycle of completion. Celebrations around birth, birthday parties, marriages, and death. Larger gatherings than the three and more of an emphasis on family.
Hence, the number 3 + 6 = 9. The last cycle of completion.
So, the month of June has all three of the completion cycle numbers. Representing: accomplishments will be made in June. I am working hard to bring my Spring Yard cleaning to completion by then.
Tarot for June
Major Arcana card for June – The Lovers, number 6. Ruled by the Astrological Sign of Gemini. At first glance,it looks like romance card, that is part of it. June is a busy month for graduations and marriages. There is more to the card, a cross roads perhaps? A high road and a low road, two paths that lead to the same destination. I think of Gemini representing the twins. Two paths, duality, and choice.
Also, using the Minor Arcana, as a subtle secondary influence with the Lovers Card. Firstly, the Six of wands, a celebration of achievement is taking place here. Secondly, the Six of Cups, childhood memories comes to mind with this card. Thirdly, the Six of Swords, movement to calmer waters. Lastly, the Six of Pentacles, giving and receiving are represented.
Elizabeth Liz Muschett Appearances
The following dates: Elizabeth Liz Muschett will be a guest on Talk Cosmos at 1pm PDT.
- June 19th, Summer Solstice – A panel of astrologers discussing the Solstice.
- June 26th, Archetypal Symbols – Using Symbols with Astrology for the New Moon.
Tune in live or listen to the archived shows. Available on Youtube, most Podcast Apps, or 1150 KKNW am Seattle, Washington.
Find out what the Astro Weather June 2022 is for you personally
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