The Eclipses are Coming!
So, the Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse 2022 (New Moon). Saturday April 30th at 4:29 pm EDT and 1:29 pm PDT at10 degrees and 28 minutes of Taurus. Hence, this eclipse is visible in the Southern Hemisphere in South/west South America, Pacific and Atlantic and Antarctica. Duration of Eclipse, four hours.
Eclipses are supper charged Moons, or as I like to say “Moon on Steroids”. The energy of an Eclipse is felt two weeks prior and two weeks after the eclipse. Therefore, opening new doors and opportunities for all. Finish up releasing what you no longer need and pass it on to make room for new beginnings. Be patient with yourself and others through this process.
Highlights of the Solar Eclipse Chart
- Concentration of Planets in Taurus (conjunction): Pallas, Sun, Moon, Uranus, and North Node
- Taurus – Fixed Earth Sign, practical, manifests, builder
- Pallas – Warrior Queen, wisdom
- Sun – Identity, creative potential
- Moon – emotions, mother, mind
- Uranus – Revolutionary, awakening, freedom,
- North Node – Path to future growth
- Concentration of Planets in Pisces (Conjunction): Juno, Mars, Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter
- Pisces – Mutable Water Sign, Compassionate, visionary, dreamer
- Juno – How we partner, marriage partner
- Mars – Independent, passion and anger, drive
- Neptune – Intuition, idealism, imagination
- Venus – Love and beauty
- Jupiter – Optimism, expanding, hope
- The Taurus and Pisces planets are in sextile relationship to each other (60 degrees apart). A harmonious relationship.
- Saturn (structure) and Vesta (home and hearth) are square to the nodes (90 degrees). Evaluate structure of home and home life, make necessary changes.
- Venus Conjunct Jupiter, 27 Pisces and Neptune at 24, (Image and manifest a new love)
- The Chart has a Western Hemisphere Emphasis (planets together on the right side of the chart)
- Bowl shaped chart – focused energy in one half of the chart
Astrology Chart: Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse 2022

For personal Astrology Charting contact Liz. Schedule your appointment for an in-depth consultation.
The Master Numbers 11 and 22 are highlighted at this eclipse.
- Master Number 11 – Intuitive, wisdom, intelligence, teacher
- The angles of the chart are at 29 degrees (2 + 9 = 11). The angles are the 1st house (ascendant), 4th house (IC), 7th house (Descendent), and 10th house (MC or Midheaven)
- Mars is also, at 11 degrees
- Master Number 22 – Master builder, bridging spiritual and material, with hard work, dreams and goals are achieved
- The North Node, South Node, and Vesta are at 22 degrees
- Master numbers are higher vibrations. Example: 11 is the higher number of number 2
- April is a 4 month. Four being foundations, cornerstones, hard work and effort, accomplishing ones goals.
- Also, April 30, 2022 adds up to a number 4
Sabian Symbols for Taurus Solar Eclipse
Sabian Symbols give another layer or flavor to Astrology. They where channeled by Elsie Wheeler. There are numerous books written about them. Such as: An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar and The Sabian Oracle by Lynda Hill.
Hence, the Sabian Symbol layer this month is agreeing with the astrology chart. New doors and opportunities are opening, releasing and letting go to make room. Assisting and helping each other is one of the keys. Also, pay attention to your intuition and or gut feelings. Efforts will be rewarded.
- 10 Taurus – A Red Cross nurse. (Providing help to others)
- 11 Taurus – A woman watering flowers in her garden. (Nurturing self and plants for growth)
- 12 Taurus – A young couple window shopping. (planning for the future. We need food, shelter, and clothing. Also, tools to work)
Nodes – North Node
- 22 Taurus – White dove flying over troubled waters. (Overcoming chaos)
- 21 Taurus – A finger pointing to a line in an open book. (What is the meaning to you personally)
South Node
- 22 Scorpio – Hunters shooting wild ducks. (Hunting food or a competition)
- 21 Scorpio – Obeying his conscience, a soldier resist an order. (Conflict of values and or beliefs)
- 27 Pisces – The Harvest Moon illumines a clear sky. (Fulfillment of work well done)
- 28 Pisces – A fertile garden under the full moon reveals a variety of full grown vegetables. (Satisfaction of basic needs)
- 29 Virgo – Gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll that is being read. (Therefore, putting old knowledge into practical use).
- 30 Virgo – Totally intent upon completing an immediate task and doesn’t look to any distractions. (Reaching one’s goal or goals).
MC – Midheaven
- 29 Gemini – The first mocking bird of Spring. (Creative exuberance)
- 30 Gemini – A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds. (Competition)
- 13 Aries – A bomb that failed to explode and now safely hidden from discovery. (Explosive energies that now are safely defused or simmering)
- 14 Aries – A serpent coiling near a man and a woman. (Yin and Yang of relationship).
- 11 Pisces – Traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination. (Individually seeking to become better)
- 12 Pisces – In the sanctuary of a brotherhood, newly initiated members are being examined and their character tested. (Challenged to prove oneself)
- 1 Gemini – A glass bottom boat reveals undersea wonders. (Seeing within, underneath or behind, intuition)
- 2 Gemini – Santa Claus filling stocking hanging from the fireplace. (Receiving spiritual gifts)
- 24 Gemini – Children skating over a frozen village pond. (Finding creative childlike solutions)
- 25 Gemini – A gardener trimming large palm trees. (Bringing under control natures power of expansion)
- 24 Aquarius – A teacher having overcome her passions, teaches deep wisdom in terms of experiences. (Learning to overcome obstacles)
- 25 Aquarius – A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed. (Compensate, balance)
- 14 Taurus – On the beach, children play while shellfish grope (feed) at the edge of the water. (Attending to one’s needs)
- 15 Taurus – Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves the storm. (Courage to meet the crisis)
- 24 Pisces – On a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction. (Adaptability, coexistence, cooperation are required to grow and flourish.)
- 25 Pisces – A religious organization succeeds in overcoming the corrupting influence of perverted practices and materialized ideals. (The soul)
- 28 Capricorn: A Large Aviary. (Therefore, like a bee hive of Birds signing. Clairaudience – hearing. (Spiritual values)
- 29 Capricorn: A woman reading tea leaves. (Ability to see hidden meaning. Clairvoyance clear seeing, knowing or intuition)
Talk Cosmos YouTube
So, if you missed Sundays show, watch the Youtube Talk Cosmos Archetypal Symbols Taurus Solar Eclipse below.
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