Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse December 2021
The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse December 2021 occurs on December 4th at 2:43 am EST and December 3rd at 11:43 pm PST. The Sun and the Moon are together in a conjunction, at 12 degrees Sagittarius and 22 minutes. Also, Mercury is conjunct at 15 degrees Sagittarius and 33 minutes. The South Node of the Moon is in the same sign of Sagittarius at 1 degree and 44 minutes.
Eclipses are very powerful Moons and bring change. The light of the Sun is basically turned off and turned back on, this eclipse takes less than two minutes. New Moons are for manifesting desires and wishes. Light a candle and write out your New Moon wishes in the next few days.
Chart Details
- Mars (passion) is in Scorpio Sextile (60 degrees) to Venus (values) and Pluto (transmutation) in Capricorn. These planets are working together, this energy is very helpful in moving forward with passion and energy in a transformative way.
- Mars in Scorpio is square (90 degrees) to Jupiter in Aquarius, exact on December 8th. Use this to release and make room for any new direction and growth.
- The chart is a bowl shape (planets in half of the chart), focused contained dynamic to help complete or bring a new project to light.
- There is a lot going on below the surface. Do your research, pay attention to the details, and continue on.
- Communication is highlighted. Make sure you are understanding one another.
- Values, money and possession are front and center now! Adjustments are likely.
Astrology Chart – Solar Eclipse December 2021

Sabian Symbol
- Sabian Sun and Moon Degree 13 Sagittarius – Widow’s past is brought to the light. The past provides information for a clearer picture. With the new details you are ready to move forward.
- Karmic Sabian Degree (leading up to the now) 12 Sagittarius – A flag turns into an eagle, the eagle into a chanticleer saluting the dawn. Things coming out of the past.
- Quest Sabian Degree (Moving to) 14 Sagittarius – A vast panorama of sand and time is unfolding; the pyramids and sphinx in their glory rise before the eye. History and mysteries of the past influencing us now and the future.
- For more information on the Sabian Symbols click here.
Sagittarius New and Full Moon on Talk Cosmos
Schedule your Astrological Consultations Today! Elizabeth Liz Muschett
I love your sage portrait of the eclipse! Illustrating definitive aspects and including interpretations from the Sabian Symbols for the degrees! Such a valuable newsletter. A great reminder of these energies coming after the Talk Cosmos Moonbeam Team talk – I am thankful to be subscribed and reawakened!