This New Moon August 2021 occurs on August 8, therefore, being called the “Lion’s Gate New Moon August 2021”. As a result, this combination of the New Moon and Lion’s Gate occurring on the same day (August 8) is called the Lion’s Gate New Moon August 21. Having a greater significance subsequently, since they occurs on the same day this year. Above all, The Sun and Moon are joined together in a conjunction in the Fire sign of Leo at 16 degrees and 14 minutes.
Lions Gate, Largest Energy Shift of the Year

Highlights of the Lion’s Gate New Moon August 2021:
- A Fixed T-square with the Sun and Moon conjunct in Leo Opposite Saturn in Aquarius and square (90° from each other) Uranus – revolutionary ( in Taurus. Tensions is decreasing now, as the Planet Saturn is separating (moving away) from this T-square.
- Air Grand Trine (communication highlighted) with Saturn (structure), North Node (growth) and Vesta (home), (an aspect of ease, 120° apart and forming a triangle). Old and new ways blended together to move forward.
- Venus (values) Trine Pluto (transformation), (an aspect of ease, 120°) resources and relationships working in tandem.
- A Kite formation (a grand trine and one of the points having a sextile (60°) connecting 2 of the other points of the grand trine). The Kite is pointing to the South Node (past). Reflect on the past for clues, review and move forward and work on the things that need improvement.
- .Sun/Moon are opposite Saturn. A sobering and realization of the truth.
- Mercury (communication) and the Sun (light) are Parallel (same declination) each other. Working together as they bring the information to light.
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
– Confucius

New Moons are the time to make your wishes and desires known
In astrology, the new moon represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Similarly, people around the world view this time period as a symbol of rebirth and fresh new starts. That is to say, it’s the time to review your desires, examine your goals, and set new intentions. Most importantly, the new moon is always the ripest time for planting that which you wish to harvest. Above all, this magic works best if you align your intentions with the new moon’s position in the sky and in your astrological chart. Refer to my book “Gateways to Change” sold on Amazon for New Moon Manifestation Techniques.
Find out where the New and Full Moons are in your personal astrology charting book a consultation with Liz today!
Sabian Symbol
Sabian Symbol – the Sun and Moon 17 Leo – Volunteer Church Choir Makes Social Event of a rehearsal (a feeling of togetherness)
Karmic Degree – 16 Leo: Brilliant Sunshine just after a storm (refreshing new beginning after the storm).
Quest Degree – 18 Leo: A chemist conducts an experiment for his students (new discovery).
Karmic and Quest degree introduced by Lynda Hill, through her work with the Sabian Symbols. The Karmic Degree is the degree before, showing what you are good at or a talent you have, and the Quest Degree is the degree after, hinting at the direction of growth one is working on. These extra degrees add extra depth.
Contact Liz Muschett to schedule a consult. “click on her name to the left”