Aquarius Full Moon 2021 in the Season of Leo!

I (Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett) am a member of the Moon Beam Team on Talk Cosmos You Tube Channel. Today we are talking about the “Push Pull Emotions” during the Aquarius Full Moon 2021 in the season of Leo! The Moon Beam Team is discussing the astrological events involving the Moon:
- Aquarius Full Moon of July 23rd, 2021 at 01° Aquarius 26’
- Leo New Moon on August 8, 2021 at 16° Leo 14’
- Second Aquarius Full Moon on August 22, 2021 at 29° Aquarius 37’

Highlights of the Aquarius Full Moon in July are:
- Moon encased by Saturn and Pluto (this may feel restrictive) in the 11th House. They are also house mates.
- Pluto Opposite Mercury – push pull, somethings that may have been hidden may be revealed at this time or soon. Pay close attention.
- Saturn opposite Sun (Wanting to bring issues to the light)
- Jupiter Opposite Venus – Watch your sugars (or indulgence). Opening of the heart in a new compassionate way.
- Remember the Full Moon is about releasing gently and easily with harm to none. Find Full Moon Releasing guidelines in the book I co-authored “Gateways to Change” available on Amazon.
Lunar Gestational Cycle
A cycle that last 3 years and begins with each New Moon
Now at the Full Moon phase (in the middle) of the gestation cycle. Think back to around January 2020 when it all began. Did you begin something new at that time? If so, are you continuing with what began at that time or making adjustments. Perhaps you are no longer interested and bringing it to a completion.
- New Moon Jan 24, 2020 4:41 PM 04° Aquarius 21’
- 1st Quarter Oct 23, 2020 9:22 AM 01° Aquarius 35’
- Full Moon Jul 23, 2021 10:37 PM 01° Aquarius 26’
- 3rd Quarter Apr 23, 2022 7:56 AM 03° Aquarius 18
Yearly Moon Phase
A Yearly cycle that begins with the New Moon of each astrological sign. Look back to February of this year; are you reviewing what started at that time?
Aquarius New Moon
Feb 11, 2021 23° Aquarius 17 2:06 PM ET 11:06 AM PT
Sabian Symbol
SABIAN SYMBOLS are images that describe each of the 360 individual degrees of the zodiac. Providing subtle understanding of life’s lessons and material for self discovery. Clairvoyantly Elsie Wheeler channeled them in 1925 with the assistance of Marc Edmund Jones. Afterward Mr. Jones interpreted the symbols and wrote his understanding of each one.
Moon Sabian symbol 2 Aquarius – Unexpected Thunderstorm (something coming out of the blue)
Karmic degree – 1 Aquarius: An old adobe mission in California (something that was built to last)
Quest degree – 3 Aquarius: A Deserter stands aware of a dawning of truth. Freedom is never the result of compromise
Karmic and Quest degree introduced by Lynda Hill, through her work with the Sabian Symbols. The Karmic Degree is the degree before, showing what you are good at or a talent you have, and the Quest Degree is the degree after, hinting at the direction of growth one is working on. These extra degrees add extra depth.
Contact Liz Muschett to schedule a consult. “click on her name to the left”
Free Astrology Resources on the 8 phase of the Moon. “Click on Astrology Resources to your left”.