Captain Riley’s Log notes for May 2020
by Gloria Riley
May being the 5th month equals # 5 Energy!
One of the Laws of Physics is that the only constant is change.
That is the
Law of Five & the Law of Life
Life steers us in new directions when we least expect it. Sailors thrive on challenge. Keep alert to financial and business opportunities and you will be able to make the right moves and decisions when the winds shift in your favor. This #5 influence is about change. in style, in attitudes, and how we live our lives. Be prepared to change course midstream. You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your sails. Stay flexible!
“Excerpt: Gateways to Change, 2018 & Beyond”
“Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.” – OVID
Waking up to the island of doom or the land of promise?
Alone and together, we stood still in time, experiencing an interval of both time and meaning, between the darkness and the light as we defended ourselves against the spread of the Coronavirus that attacked humanity.
Good news! Around the world, there are signs of hope and resurrection, even on this dark day, when many find themselves walking through the shadow of death. Cautiously, we emerge back into society, but – Life as we know it has changed!
Our senses are heightened with the # 5 energy and people are restless and yearn for normalcy. Many people are struggling physically, emotionally and spiritually. The depth of joy and hope, which tomorrow promises, can only be experienced if we dwell in the upheaval and chaos, the despair and uncertainty of that in between time period.
So as we assess our individual and community circumstances, and ready ourselves to explore our new world surroundings, remember to ask yourself these few questions before you speak:
Ask yourself –
“Is it kind?”
Is it True?
Is it Necessary?
Does it improve the Silence?”