July Astro Handout

July Monthly Astrology Update Evening

July Monthly Astrology Update

Contact Elizabeth Liz Muschett to sign up for the July Monthly Astrology Update. Held at Vision Quest Bookstore, Everett, WA. On July 9, 2013

 Astrologer Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett

Water Grand Trine.  Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and Jupiter in Cancer We haven’t had (Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter) in a water grand trine since 1966. This ties in nicely with the Pluto Uranus conjunction in 1965. At this time we have Pluto Square Uranus and the grand water trine again in water.

Grand Sextile? Star of David? What is this? A grand trine in water and a grand trine in Earth or Sextiles from water to earth all around the astrology wheel. Earth Grand trine Oct 19 – Dec 19, Water Grand Trine July 27 – Aug 3. Aug 8, Aug 25 – Oct 3, Oct 23, Oct 25 – Nov 3. When the water trine and the earth trine are both active this creates the Star of David or the Grand sextile. Some fire trines and air trines happen also during this time.

Planets Direct Motion
July 7 Saturn Stations Direct 4 Scorpio 49 (Feb 23 – July 7 Saturn Retrograde 12 Scorpio – 5 Scorpio) Have you been feeling stuck lately? Get ready to move with the flow (however fast or slow). Things will start to move forward now. “Full steam Ahead” – Anne Ortlee. Sabian Symbol for 5 Scorpio: A Massive Rocky Shore Resists The Pounding Of The Sea. Changing very slowly. How long can people endure without changing? Consider your chances for success.
Planets Retrograde

July 17 –  Uranus Retrograde in Aries


June 26 – July 20      Mercury Retrograde 23 Cancer 05 – 13 Cancer 22 (Shadow Phase June 9th – Aug 4th) Sabian Symbol 24 Cancer: A woman & two men cast away on a small island. Focusing of complex inner potentialities in harmonic & concrete relationships. Old emotions related to safety & security may come to the surface at this time to be reworked, let go of, etc. to create a new foundation


June 7 – Nov 13        Neptune Retrograde 5 Pisces 23 – 2 Pisces 35 Re connecting & finding community.

18th of June – Sept 26     Juno Retrograde 18 Aquarius 58 – 3 Aquarius 52 New & improved relationships

June 19 – Nov 22      Chiron Retrograde 13 Pisces 50 – 9 Pisces 07 Common sense, street smarts, self reliance

April 13 – Sept 20    Pluto Retrograde 11Capricorn 35 – 8 Capricorn 59 detoxing, regeneration, restructuring. Organic food, nature walks etc.

Planets Entering New Signs


29th           Pallas – Gemini

31st           Mars – Gemini and Mercury – Cancer


20th          Sun – Cancer

22nd          Ceres – Leo

25th          Jupiter – Cancer Exalted

27th          Venus – Leo


6th              Black Moon Lilith – Cancer          false security, sacrifice something for something

13th            Mars – Cancer           Energy is slowed down in Cancer or steaming. Mars not happy here.

23rd            Venus – Virgo           Purposeful Love, Meaning, Venus not to happy in Virgo

23rd            Sun – Leo                   Sun in it own sign. Fun, Joy, Creative time

Moon Phases:

June 23          4:32 AM          Full Moon (Moon 2 Capricorn10 & Sun 2 Cancer 10) Sabian Symbol Moon 3 Capricorn: The human soul in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment. New level of consciousness is about to reveal & express itself. Something new is being born, something deep inside of you. Sabian Symbol Sun 3 Cancer: An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons. Through adapting to changing needs & being constantly aware of the difficulties involved that success can be achieved. Progress slowly, no going back

Moon Phases for July

July 8              12:14 AM       New Moon (Sun & Moon 16 Cancer 18) Sabian Symbol Sun & Moon 17 Cancer: The seed grows into knowledge & live. The life urge to actualize one’s birth potential. “Think a thought and& sow a seed; sow a seed and do a deed. Do a deed, create a habit; create a lifestyle.”

July 22            11:15 AM       Full Moon (Moon 0 Aquarius 06 & Sun 0 Leo 06) Sabian Symbol Moon 1 Aquarius: An old adobe mission in California. The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers life span. Sabian Symbol Sun 1 Leo Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.

Moon Phases for August

August 6        2:51 PM          New Moon (Moon & Sun14 Leo 35) Sabian Symbol Sun & Moon 15 Leo A Street Pageant Moving Along A Street Packed With People. Joy, Fun

August 20      6:45 PM          Full Moon (Moon 28 Aquarius 11 & Sun 28 Leo 11) Sabian Symbol Moon 29 Aquarius: A Butterfly Emerging From A Chrysalis. Emergence into a new life cycle and total transformation. The capacity to utterly transforms the character of one’s consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon. Sabian Symbol Sun 29 Leo A Mermaid Has Climbed To The Rocky Shore Of A Bleak Coast; She Awaits The Prince Who Will Bring Her Immortality. A woman is ready to emerge into a more conscious existence as an individual in her own right.

*Sabian Symbols Quoted from “The Sabian Oracle” by Lynda Hill and Dane Rudhyar “An Astrological Mandala”



2010 was a 3 year

2011 was a 4 year

2012 was a 5 year

2013 is a 6 year

2014 is a 7 year

2015 is a 8 year

2016 is a 9 year

Numerology for the Comming months

July is the 7th month. 7 (month) + 6 (year) = 13/4. July is a 4 month. Building, security, foundation, order

August is the 8th month. 8 (month) + 6 (year) = 14/5. August is a 5 month. Change, travel

September 21                                    International day of Peace

September 22, 2013             Autumnal Equinox Sun enter Libra 1:44 PM

Jan 1, 2013 – 12:00 AM Moon Position 2013, Moon 24 Leo 57, This year is asking us all to come from heart.

Be kind to yourself. As the Buddha wisely said, “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” Be aware of the judgment you cast upon yourself and gently seek to dismantle them.

Release the worry animal. Sometimes worry is a monkey, jumping around your mind.

I am Co Author of Gateways to Change, available on Amazon.

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