Astrology Charting, Numerology, Tarot, Reiki, Counseling, Weddings

Astrology Charting Consultations

Astrology Charting, Tarot, or Numerology are avenues to uncover much needed answers, information, and clues to your questions about everyday life. Also, do you have a question about finances, your business, or career opportunities? Is love and a relationship in your future? For instance, are you struggling with the age-old questions, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” These are real-life questions and concerns that can be answered by exploring astrological planetary cycles and influences under which you were born. I welcome you to A Light Path.

Elizabeth Liz Muschett YouTube Channel 

Stop by Elizabeth Liz Muschett’s YouTube Channel Today! Enjoy the forecasts and guest Astrologers, talking about the current Astrological events.

The episodes presented:

  • The Monthly Forecast
  • The Full Moon Forecast
  • The Astrology Star Sister:
    • Fixed Stars
    • Dwarf Planets
    • Current Astrology Aspects, Planets Stationing Direct & Retrograde, Equinoxes & Solstices, & special topic
    • Decans using Astrology & Tarot
  • Archetypal Symbols on Talk Cosmos (Elizabeth Liz Muschett is one of the panelist).

Please like, subscribe, and leave a comment, I look forward to hearing from you.

Classes and Tutoring

Sharing and teaching Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Intuitive Development, and the Mystical Arts has been such a joy. Above all, during my many years of teaching, I have learned just as much or more from student interaction. As a result, Liz offers class customization, workshops for the individual, tutoring, or group mentoring.

A Light Path offers a wide variety of classes and workshops:

  • Astrology Charting, Numerology, Tarot
  • Oracle Cards
  • Mystical Arts
  • Intuitive and Psychic Development
  • Reiki
  • Energy Techniques


Reiki is a Japanese Healing Art that assist the body’s natural healing process. In other words, a simple hands-on healing practice. A Reiki session promotes stress reduction and reduces pain. Therefore, this ancient healing modality is relaxing and improves your overall stat of well-being. In Short, it is energizing, soothing, relaxing, and easily learned. Energy balance and grounding Reiki energy sessions are by appointment.

In conclusion, Reiki is a simple yet profound path towards the healing of oneself and others. For instance, classes are available. Join a Reiki class or contact me for individual instruction.

Universal Spiritual Counseling

Similarly, empower yourself, gain self-confidence, and self-esteem with Spiritual Counseling. As a result, you will overcome life’s obstacles and challenges with this gentle guidance. Spiritual counseling helps with career goals, love and relationships, and much more. So, are you ready to set some new goals and achieve them? 

Archetypal Symbols on Talk Cosmos

Talk Cosmos

Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett, appears on Talk Cosmos monthly (First or Last Sunday of the month) as a member of the Archetypal Symbols panel, since Spring 2022, Moonbeam Team Spring 2020 – Spring 2022 and Guest for numerous shows in 2018 and 2019. Talk Cosmos is a YouTube/Podcast, astrological conversations and heard on 1150 AM KKNW radio, Seattle.